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Everything posted by MaVilla

  1. if we got rid of the people on that list (Kalinic, Hourihane, Young, Wesley, Steer, Guilbert, Trezegeut, El Ghazi, Davis, Traore, Targett, Luiz), and the information on the internet is even close to correct, you are looking at about £400k p/w, or roughly £21m a year, off the wage bill.
  2. i would imagine Bardell is closer to the club than sicknote Richards. I am sure i have heard Bardell knows someone/or some people within the club, but whether he gets inside scoops, no idea. But tbh, not sure either would know, one way or the other.
  3. personally, im not sure Watkins or Ings suit the Gerrard system. I would prob consider bagging them both off tbh, then buying one striker who really suits the system Gerrard wants to play.
  4. i think its conceivable we have 200m to spend "IF" we have a lot of outgoings and we want to spend big on top of that. Whether we do though, is another matter entirely i suppose? this is a quick table i did (just an outline of possibles):
  5. Who do we think is going to be sold this summer?, could we realistically see 10+ players outgoing? Could be 70-100m depending on who is sold?, add another 100m from our own kitty, and that 170m-200m to spend on players? What about Bailey & Sanson? (they dont seem to be getting much of a look in...)
  6. yeah but you clearly dont understand friendo. McGinn wears a chicken suit and provides good team bants, so he cant be dropped. Ever. Since when is a player picked on playing well?, are you from the 60s or something?
  7. im pretty sure that Davis goal was straight at the keeper, but it went through his legs.
  8. im trying to console myself, wrongly or rightly, that it wont matter what we do this season as long as he is settled and happy, as "hopefully" Gerrard will utter the words "Couts my man, we have 200m to spend this summer, 33m of it is you, i am gonna bring in some top players this summer to play with you, stay here and we will build the team around you". Thats what im hoping anyways...... (note: 200m to spend is based on 100-150m to spend, then 50-100m in sales....making 200m in the kitty somehow.......im my imaginary world....)
  9. the kids 20 for crickey's sake, some of the goals he has scored, and general play at times are more than "good" for a 20 year old. Yeah he has good and bad days etc, but he's 20, he's going to, and i agree he might be a bit tired etc and in need of a rest, but even today vs Spurs, that one moment where he just skipped by a player and got a shot off, so unlucky for that to not be a goal, great bit of skill. tbh, he's way better on balance than i thought he would be when he first broke in to the team. I would love to see Ramsey and Gallagher as our number 8s if im honest, but the highest praise i can give Ramsey, is of our current midfield 3 (Luiz, McGinn, Ramsey), he is the only one of them i wouldnt replace (and thats even accounting for his slight fluctuations in form due probably, to his age), i think with a quality 6, and another quality 8 alongside him, he would really shine.
  10. MaVilla

    Do you read?

    So many good books over the last couple of years (or decades), depending on your tastes, i would recommend any of the below books, in no particular order: Dune (all 6 of Frank Herberts books). Witcher books. Altered Carbon. The Expanse (the series). The Godfather. Five Families. the Corporation. Operation Paperclip. Chernobyl. George Orwell - A Sage for All Seasons. Moneyball. No Country for Old Men. They - Sarfraz Mansoor. The History of Ancient Egypt (The Great Courses - after this shortened to TGC). The history of Ancient Rome (TGC). Big History: The big bang, life on earth and the rise of humanity (TGC). The rise and Fall of Soviet Communism (TGC). The rise & fall of the British Empire (TGC) The rise and fall of China (TGC). World War 1 / World War 2 (TGC). Buddhism (TGC). Introduction to Judaism (TGC). Welcome to the Universe (TGC) The Greek & Persian Wars (TGC) Alexander the Great & the Macedonian Empire (TGC) The Barbarian Empire of the Steps (TGC). Great World Religions (Islam/Christianity, Judaism etc) - (GTC). Mystical Tradition (Judaism, Christianity & Islam) - (TGC) Ancient Mesopotamia (TGC) The Mongol Empire (TGC). Genghis Khan & the making of the modern world (TGC). Arabs (Tim Mackintosh-Smith).
  11. dude, completely different scenario, Smith had 3 years, multiple windows and literally hundreds of millions of pounds spent. Can never decide if ur on the wind up or serious tho....
  12. Yeah, after that 5 game loss under Smith, we were in real trouble.
  13. not great ofc....but get Chrisene in for some time as we play out the season. (assuming we dont weirdly get dragged in to the relegation battle....)
  14. ye, we basically need to go big and spunk 200m on top players..... obivously we can fund prob 100m of this by selling quite a few players (hopefully), but it needs to be done if we want to progress, this squad isnt good enough, and i would be shocked if Gerrard doesnt see it also.
  15. i just hope it goes something like..... "Couts mate i have 200m to spend in the summer and i want you to be the first 33m of it, we will bring in some top players to play with you Couts.....yeaaaaah course!".
  16. completely agree with this. We need a whole new spine imo, we need a CD, a no.6, prob a no.8, Coutinho and a striker in the summer.......
  17. tbf, we were really, really good for about 80% of that Spurs game, we played some lovely football, anyone who says we didnt are either lying or didnt watch the game. BUT: 1) We cant create that many chances and not take them, and expect or deserve to get anything out of the game. 2) Our defence is s***, we prob need 1 x DC in the summer, and shock horror we need a proper DM. 3) We need to sell Ings & Watkins in the summer, and get someone in who actually suits what we are trying to do, and ensure they are able to finish some bloomin chances, watching Watkins and Ings look like a Benny Hill type duo up front was something to behold. Honestly, if you did watch todays game, if that's Gerrard ball im all in, we played some lovely stuff, but it also showed how poor we are defensively, and how we lack any type of clinical edge, we could have scored 4 goals today with more clinical finishing. This team needs a big overhaul, i think we need 1 central defender, a number 6, probably a number 8, Coutinho and a striker as minimum, basically a whole new spine.
  18. MaVilla

    Ezri Konsa

    shocking display. Chambers should get the nod, tbh Konsa should never have replaced Chambers in the first place.
  19. lol what was Konsa doing there, in no-mans land. Although who was covering.....i dunno.
  20. Konsa, Watkins & Ings........ like pulling teeth.
  21. classic Villa. We need 15 chances for 0 goals. They need 2 chances for 2 goals. Konsa m8.......
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