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Everything posted by MaVilla

  1. Konsa, Watkins & Ings........ like pulling teeth.
  2. classic Villa. We need 15 chances for 0 goals. They need 2 chances for 2 goals. Konsa m8.......
  3. Now if thats Gerrard ball, i cant get on board with that. But i think we need a few new players, some who can defend, and some who can finish......
  4. i agree we have been great. But it means nothing when you concede stupid goals and cant score even one of over 9000 chances.
  5. its mind boggling that we have 55m+ worth of strikers on the field, and they couldnt finish even one of those chances. They both need selling in the summer and we need to bring someone in who can.
  6. thats the best i have seen us play in a long time. But once again, we shoot ourselves in the foot by conceding early goals, and we dont take our numerous chances. So good this half, yet so poor.
  7. we have played very well...but... You cant concede goals like we do...all the time!, then not take any of the numerous chances we have had, strikers simply not good enough.
  8. we need 2 new strikers, Watkins and Ings need to be bagged off tbh.
  9. Coutinho really needs to be our first purchase this summer (along with 4-5 others following).
  10. so it looks like its Norwich, Watford and one from Burnley or Everton. Looks like it probably wont be Everton after that Manure win, unless Burnley can do something special, which is highly plausible, as they still have to play us twice.
  11. tbh, with the "never drop mcginn", "konsa starts over Chambers for no good reason", "Buendia plays well but no cigar", "sanson was our best midfielder last week and still gets dropped", "Watkins starts regardless of his brick feet"....... Add that to the recent results, and im almost as apathetic as towards the end of Smiths 5 game losing streak, i almost just want this season over with, so i dont have to deal with the nonsense every week. This team is a mess, and never dropping players who dont play well, seems a major issue to me, it boggles my little mind.
  12. Smith had exactly the same issue tbh. I dont get it.
  13. Sanson, probably the best of our 3 midfielders last week gets dropped for Luiz, while McGinn keeps his place again.... Konsa keeps his place over Chambers, when Chambers did nothing that wrong to be dropped in the first place, but was replaced anyways, but Konsa hasnt been any better...at all. Buendia looked good last week, and still no gravy. Part of me really just wants this season over, i think i have nearly had enough.
  14. its a tough one, if he isnt going to be starting, i would still send him out on loan for another season, banging goals in for a full 40+ matches would do him the world of good experience wise, then assess him again at the end of next season, he will still be young (he wont be 21 until half way through next season), Tammy Abraham was on loan in the champ at a similar age, and his loan to us did him the world of good. i think it really wouldnt be good for him sitting on the bench 95% of the time, its exactly what we did to Davis, he should have gone out on loan 3 years ago.....we might have seen a different Davis if we managed loans properly.
  15. i will caveat by saying that Gerrard & Beale seem to be all in on the 4321/4312 system, so i dont see that changing. However, a lot of the top sides seem to be playing 3421/3412/343 type formations, and to be honest, we have Digne & Cash, so i think its a formation we could play, we would ofc need upgrades elsewhere to make it work. In closing though, i just dont see Gerrard & Beale moving away from what they are doing formation wise.
  16. 2 points ahead of newcastle. lol....what a life.
  17. @OutByEaster?, what notes?, do they get published somewhere?
  18. the problem is, quite a few of our players arent actually very good......
  19. next step, 4 x 15 min quarters.
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