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Everything posted by MaVilla

  1. yeah i agree we needed to spend the money. I just think, on balance, we didnt spend it well, is all im saying.
  2. i see your point, just not sure i see it your way, which is fine, we all see things slightly differently. We made some decent signings, but the real difference in us staying up was one player who was already with us, if we didnt have that player then that 141m spent would have seen us relegated. As i say, i do think we signed "some" decent players, but without that one player, that 141m spent would 100% have seen us in the champ the following season.
  3. So negative dude, come on, at least try and support the team and manager, be a proper Villa supporter. AKA: we will have a plucky 3 minutes 53 seconds at the start of the game, lulling us in to a false sense of security and another false dawn, before falling apart, playing banjo passes, players going awol, leaving enough space for a fleet of red busses to drive through, and conceding 9000 goals causing the internet to break from the posting avalance on VillaTalk. it is known.
  4. we spent well there then, clearly. All that shows is you can spend money badly, or well. We spent it badly on the whole.
  5. while i agree with you in principle, our results over the last 6+ months dont back that up right now.
  6. Net Spend: 22/23 - 14m 21/22 - 2m Pushing for Europe bois.
  7. he does have a thread, but it was last updated on the 20th Aug, so its dropped off the front page.
  8. Although arrogance has many draw backs and could be considered a flaw, it is alson present in many people who succeed or are successful.
  9. dont wanna play him tho do we......
  10. not modern fifa tho, its 1993 fifa. Dont see any Claret & Blue in this midfield, checks out ok from what i can see.
  11. i think this is one of the main issues. He wants to play like Liverpool, and prove he can harness the "Klopp Liverpool way". The fact he doesnt know how to make it work & doesnt have good enough players to do it, doesnt seem to bother him. Imo the Liverpool system, is a system that can leave you very exposed if you dont know what you are doing (we have seen Liverpool exposed a few times), or dont have top level players to make it work , but Liverpool have players good enough, and coaches good enough, to make it work 95% of the time. We dont. We still persist though.
  12. really?, didnt see Mcginn say he was having it, is that right?
  13. looks like Newcastle signing Isak. West Ham in for Paqueta. Dont worry tho boys, we got McGinn.
  14. Digne in a 343 type formation, sure. Cash, nah, he is a defensive RB for me, going forward he is pretty gash.
  15. probably just tired from his wife giving birth.
  16. i thought he was writing out his resignation.
  17. as i said in the match thread, im past being mad, im just sitting here like...... its that bad.
  18. you know what, im past being mad, right now im just like.....
  19. that starting 11 against Bolton screams that he knows he's on the ropes. With that starting 11 its not even about winning, he needs to smash them when he puts that starting 11 on. I cant believe Archer or Timmy havent got a start, they need to go out on loan asap.
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