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Everything posted by MrBlack

  1. Worst kept secret ever. Announce him now please.
  2. In muddy pants, shouting have i sharted?
  3. It's pretty much the worst kept secret in recent villa transfer history so it doesn't make sense for them to delay the announcement once things are actually finalised. Assuming he passes the medical, I don't think we'll wait too long. He wouldn't fly over unless it was already a sure thing.
  4. Same here. I actually think I preferred it to start with, but definitely not now.
  5. Value for money I guess. They might only get one Nakamba instead of two or even three of those signings. Definitely smacks of them aiming to get relegated though.
  6. That's such a strong looking bench. Not bad first team either , although as others said its lacking creative spark and speed Ramsey probably starts when he's fit. And I expect a second striker/winger will have the McGinn role. Real issue is that Cash won't be played there I don't think...or indeed anywhere. Be interested to see if/how Emery uses him this season
  7. I asked the very same earlier. I assumed a couple of hours for the medical first. But not sure if they do those at a dedicated facility or have the means to do them at BMH. I reckon we then complete the signing and photoshoot today. Announcement tonight, full photo and interview reveal tomorrow
  8. Just did some digging and seems they bought him from Brighton for 1m not long ago. So Brighton do make transfer mistakes.
  9. Who is he? And why did Coventry have anyone worth that much?
  10. Ah well, nice coincidence then. At that altitude though he might have even been able to see the players on the training pitches. Nice to think that he might have caught a glimpse of his future workplace and started that "this is my new home" feeling
  11. Out of interest, what did you find out about other clubs and what they charge for access to a lounge when you already have a ticket?
  12. I said there was no detour. But planes following that approach seem to take a tighter line thar its closer to BHX and so don't go directly over BMH. With your seemingly more in depth knowledge, if I'm talking out my arse just let me know.
  13. All planes land at BHX from that side so not really a detour. The direct line over BMH probably wasn't accidental.
  14. I'd be surprised if they stopped you transferring a ticket to someone whose fan ID your account is already linked to. They never seemed to have a problem with this before for the odd game.
  15. I'm now picturing you wearing something like this:
  16. Market research that doesn't let the respondee know enough about what they're responses mean is essentially a tick box exercise that is rigged to get the responses the company wants to hear. It doesn't give you a realistic view of what people actually feel. So then it's no surprise that when you deliver the product that was seemingly asked for, it doesn't sell. Purslow taking the blame for this one? It does feel like he worked wonders getting us to this level, but then his efforts to push us beyond it were a all a bit rubbish.
  17. Is a tench coat something I don't know? You used it twice and I'm wondering if it's a genuine thing or if you're just trying to revive the fish puns
  18. Agreed. The new lion is better in my view. Full detail version from the gaslight shield ideally. It just needs rotating forwards so it doesn't look like it's being taken out by the star, and flipping of course.
  19. I thought it was something like that. Given they've got to have it, I guess they can't ask MSC to drop half their sponsor source due to this unforseen addition to the kit. Shame because the Italian flag could make it look nicer if it wasn't already so busy. Not forgetting the sleeve sponsor
  20. Slightly delayed but looks like our man is on his way. Assuming he lands at 12:40 (current eta), do we think we'll get an announcement today? What's left to do? Will his medical be at bodymoor or do we use a local hosptical/medical centre for these? That's going to take a couple of hours I guess. You'd imagine contract wranglings are already taken care of so then just a signature? Could be announced by 5pm?
  21. Could be nice but there's just too many logos. EA7 looks like another advert rather than a kit maker. MSC have got their name on there twice and then you have the Italian flag as well. Not for me
  22. As hilarious as it is that they can't get a sleeve sponsor that will pay them anything, i respect them for taking the option instead to help advertise a local business. It pains me to say it, but I'd rather we had flamingoland than the shitty sponsors we've got.
  23. Nope. City buy back means he'll be back there in a few years
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