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Everything posted by Tommo_b

  1. Great thread NV, can't believe I missed it!
  2. One of my favourite players, he could've be phenomenal in some of the Villa teams we had.
  3. What a great thread! Brings back loads of memories of players we all dreamed would be great but in reality weren't. we should have a nostalgia 11, mainly so I can dream of the days of Alan wright, houghton, Draper, Ehiougu and Milosovic. Also a great premier league 11, tho can only think of Mellberg and Laursen for that, oh no, Carew and Young, maybe JPA, great striker wrong time. Crap, Barry and Milner too....
  4. Rhodes is excellent at this level, be pleased to have him over Gestede, Kozak, Gabby, RHM.
  5. I do not understand why Boro would want to sign him but hey can't grumble, it's another player not good enough off our books.
  6. Makes you wonder if its player inflation and 17m is actually considered cheap? Ronaldos worth £300 million apparently.
  7. So many people not predicting a Brighton win, scandalous!
  8. I think people just find it more entertaining, obviously the ability and technique isn't at the best standard, that's why these players aren't at premier league clubs, but I think if you're a nuetral looking in, it's very entertaining!
  9. I said he would get found out in the premier league, remember other posters blowing smoke up his behind hailing him as some sort of football messiah who has transformed Man City after only 10 games. Sounds like he is starting to crack already!
  10. I swear it was only a year or two ago people were raving about how good Gardner is/was going to be?!
  11. Have Faith! Huddlestone will be here soon and Hernandez
  12. i was always sure eventually Tonev would score one of those "atomic" strikes, but he never did.... did he?
  13. Vague memory, but how do we rate Carboni's time at the club?
  14. Hassan Kachloul, I completely forgot about him!
  15. I quite liked Sasa Curcic, but I was only a kid back then so probably misguided in my judgement of him.
  16. That's hilarious! Good find, and one assist, way more then I thought he had.
  17. Be interesting to see how many assists he has. He definetly puts in more crosses then any one else in the team.
  18. I still don't know why he was dropped? Think he is much better then Bunn.
  19. Spink, Bosnich, James, schmeichal, Friedal, another keeper of their quality would be incredible.
  20. I think I've developed a soft spot for Hutton, he really does seem to try his hardest for Aston Villa everytime he plays, just a shame he isn't very good.
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