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Everything posted by Tommo_b

  1. Quality additions we have had for the grand total of a week, and yet we call for the manager who bought these additions to be sacked before he's even got a chance to bed them in, it's mental!
  2. Garry Monk might get a play off place with a team that's been together awhile now, Bruce might get a play off place next season once his team has been together awhile.
  3. I get the Bruce out comments, hell even I thought it after the Brentford game, I did actually see improvements during the Forest game, and I bet I see improvements the next game, as many have said, we have 6 new first team players who have never player together, plus the other 5 first team players who have never played with the other 6 new players, now it is going to take time for them to know how eachother like to play etc, giving Bruce just two games with a new squad is ridiculous! if come the last few games of the season the football is still dire, then yes, sack him, but until then, imo we have to give Bruce time to bed this whole new squad together.
  4. You can't judge the manager on a remit set by what a portion of the fans think when the manager is working to a different set of rules set by the chairman. Also why do we need to choose a "progressive" young manager who haven't achieved anything in their careers as of yet compared to an experienced manager with multiple promotions, the most recent being less then a year ago under his belt? Now don't get me wrong, I didn't want Bruce and was excited by the prospect of Wagner, but from a chairmanship point of view, Bruce is tje stand out candidate, and still is!
  5. Well it could, goal difference of only two goals was the difference between Middlesborough going up last year instead of Brighton.
  6. Shame Gollini wanted out, he was a lot better then Johnstone!
  7. Pretty much how I saw the game until the error, no real issues with how we were playing, I was actually pleasantly impressed.
  8. I don't think he was actually worried about the gates, it just sends a message to the squad that he won't be taken for a mug, which is just as important.
  9. What I find odd is that we have accused every manager we have had since I think Houllier of not having a clue with regards to tactics. I think if we had the ultimate tactician and tinkerer we would still say they are clueless etc.
  10. I dunno, I think Bruce personally going around is better then sending a minion, sends out a signal to all the other players too that they better have a good reason to miss training otherwise they will get found out.
  11. 100% agree, every time I hear Bruce's post match comments he picks out exactly the same thoughts we all had.
  12. Lol Brighton have got better?! Brighton have been good all season and for the last 3 years or so, bar literally two goals last season they would've been in the premier league already.
  13. Well to be fair they are the champions of England, so at the moment they could possible be seen as the biggest club in some people's eye's.
  14. There's not one player I could single out yesterday as being the worst, they were all pathetic and so embarrassing, I don't mind losing 3-0 to anyone, that happens sometimes in football, but the performance of every player was the worst I've ever seen, including 8-0 loss to Chelsea.
  15. Really like that first formation. I don't know if it's Bruce or not, I was annoyed last night and wanted him gone, but his post match interviews always make me think "we'll hold on, if you can see what we are all seeing, then why isn't it being fixed?" Maybe I was being too harsh and reactions last night and he obviously needs time with his new players and work out a system.
  16. Very positive outlook, I like it! I'm pretty deflated about the game last night, think the hype of all the "good" signings we were making and then that utter shambles on the pitch broke my spirit a bit.
  17. So depressed, I don't normally lose patience with a manager quickly, but fml something has to change, Steve Round needs to tell Bruce to change his philosophy or do one.
  18. Well now we can start judging Bruce as our manager.
  19. I'd quite like to see Amavi as our winger.
  20. I doubt Man City cared about the inflated fee's they were paying to get top players in and look at them now, I'm pretty sure we actually could in time compete at the top end of the premier league and be one of those teams everyone hates
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