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Everything posted by villarule123

  1. Yup, how lucky were we getting Arsenal away first game of the season?
  2. Noooooooo I actually cancelled my pre-order tonight. Would only make £30-40 profit selling it so I couldn't be arsed. Was actually a tough choice leaving Xbox, my 360 has been good to me.
  3. The reviews for this on the PC and PS4 are getting me excited now, more importantly how smooth the game is. 60FPS at all times, double the amount and more stable than the 360, I can't wait! Anyone else getting it/want to team up?
  4. I am amazed that it is so popular despite being such a poor (IMO) game, with lazy developers and shit maps. Fair play to them for making it so successful though. Definitely the Transformers of the gaming world, did Michael Bay have anything to do with it?
  5. Why don't you get a penalty when a goalie comes out, completely misses the ball and wipes out a player? Goalkeepers are treated like Gods in football.
  6. What the **** has Aaron Ramsey been taking in the summer?
  7. Logging in now to check if I have a billion
  8. My first 2 games were a 3-1 home win against Norwich (Gabby hatrick) and 0-0 at Arsenal. Think it will be a struggle to stay up though.
  9. Need some eBay advice peeps.. Why when I search for my item that I'm selling can I not see it on the results? I search for it whilst not being logged in and it still doesn't show unless I type the whole title of the item. It has about 200 views over 7 days but other people selling the same item are getting thousands of views. What the hell am I doing wrong?
  10. I've seen this before, but I still nearly spat my orange juice out watching it again
  11. The only thing I'm good at is Golf on this. Im something like won 6 lost 0
  12. I could confirm this if I wasnt embargoed So you'll have to wait till Wednesday when I'm allowed to tell you it's great :whistle: It's Wednesday now
  13. My daughter managed to sleep from 7.30 til 11.30, wow! Now she's back in our bed and amazingly she's sleeping fine now. When will it ever end?
  14. And Ashley Young has turned into a massive clearing in the woods since leaving Villa.
  15. Adrian Chiles really is an unfunny moron isn't he?
  16. It hit the post If you knew that before ITV showed the replay then I think you might be the only person in the world who did. Other than the Sociedad keeper of course. I thought it hit the post at first viewing
  17. If I were to read GoT, is it a must to start from book 1 or can I just pick up from where the TV series stopped?
  18. Search dbgamez on Facebook, it's legit and they send the code within 5 mins
  19. Finally found it for under £20, time to go through the hell of starting as Villa again!
  20. My contract is up in July next year, hopefully 4G contracts will be a lot cheaper then. Why would you get a 4G tariff with only 500mb data?
  21. Killzone looks really good from what I've seen, I've never played any of them though. Has it been closer to CoD or BF in the past?
  22. Totally agree Pieface. He's good at dribbling with the ball and gettig out of tight situations, but his final ball and passing in general is shocking. He feels to me a bit like Ireland in the McLeish season, just looks good in a bad team. If he learnt how to pass he could be a special player. Maybe he should play as a DM as he's seemingly better suited for that position. I dont think he's ready for England personally.
  23. How many phones do you get through in a year?!
  24. Don't lie, you're just going to give her your N4
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