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Everything posted by villarule123

  1. Will it get better? Every year you hear that changes to rules/cars are being made, yet Red Bull still dominate. I used to watch every race, now I don't even watch a minute of it.
  2. Just flicked it on, Vettel 10 seconds ahead of second. Flicked it back over again. This is surely the most boring sport in the world at the moment?
  3. Just been watching a stream of this. There's a hardcore mode so you obviously won't see people pop up on the map when shooting - good Also, there's 'infantry' where it gets rid of all vehicles and makes it like CoD So it will keep some of you happy that don't like that kind of thing.
  4. Also looking for 2 tickets. Will never happen!
  5. When you look at how shite our bench is at times, he really should be at the club, not on loan.
  6. How come the PS Vita version of FIFA 14 is dogshit but it can play the PS4 version via remote play?
  7. Joe Lolley on a hatrick for Kiddie..
  8. Jeff Stelling was not a word removed when I met him. Top guy Gordon Cowans was also a great bloke when I saw him I generally hate celebrities though, I don't really class sports people in that category. The ones that have no talent whatsoever are the ones I'd happily shoot with a shotgun.
  9. ^^^ I only use my real number when it's signing for a contract or something. I never use it when signing up to stuff.
  10. You are strange Do my Barca Heskey challenge
  11. Anyone have any idea how school catchment areas work? We're planning to move in two years, but the closest secondary school will be Lyndon (1 mile), but we'd prefer Langley (2.1 miles) It's a long time away yet, but we want it to be our last house for a long time.
  12. I've still only played 2 matches on this, just like last year I can't get into it. Hopefully I will soon. Seeing things like Everton storming the league and Villa coming second in the first season are putting me off a bit though, tbh
  13. I think I'm just going to read/watch cutscenes from the other games, and probably trade in my spare DS4 on release day. £510 for a PS4, with 4 games, a camara and a year of PS+ is a great deal
  14. Knack has PS+ written all over it. I actually think it looks quite fun, but I wouldn't spend money on it.
  15. Yeah, I saw that something like 6 out of 6000 were reported broken. If it happens to a lot of the Yanks, I'll just cancel and wait for them to sort things out.
  16. Wow, mad to think I made this thread nearly 2 years ago with no 20 month old daughter around to cause havoc! It makes an incredible difference having the walls done, our house used to be so cold (12 - 14 degrees at times) but now it's always 18+ and only goes down if I leave the heating off for a day. It's a must have. We went a little crazy when we bought the house as it was so cold, ended up spending £1k on new doors, £3k on new windows, insulated the loft ourselves but the real difference was the walls. Ender, phone the council up, because they refer you to businesses that do it for free, at least they used to.
  17. I bet the shock will be DLC content. If so, they can feck off
  18. I think the best exclusive game will be Forza on the XBO, but from what I've read they've taken loads of tracks and cars out so they can fleece people for even more money with DLC, so I wouldn't have bought it anyway. Definitely a poor launch lineup, but with The Order, Infamous, Titanfall, Halo 5, Watchdogs, Division, there's plenty of stuff next year to look forward to.
  19. Watched Inception last night, great movie but definitely needs a second viewing to fully understand... mind ****
  20. Considering getting ACIV, but I haven't played from Brotherhood onwards. Do I need to have played them all or am I good to go with this?
  21. Knack is getting brutalised in the reviews, Killzone is getting average-good reviews. Think I'm going to spend most of my time on the multi-platforms until Infamous comes out.
  22. Kyle Walker in pulling out of friendly shocker
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