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Everything posted by samjp26

  1. Tammy got 15 (and 3 assists) too. Both decent returns for their first seasons stepping up to PL level, it definitely can be done and hopefully Watkins will do the same.
  2. Can't wait to see him after pre-season, back at full fitness
  3. Yep, hence these awful tabloid headlines stating that clubs won't be "bullied by us". It is quite the opposite - if you want to even open negotiations with Jack, you need to stump up a very large amount of cash. He is in no rush to leave, we are in no rush to sell, it really is that simple.
  4. Spot on - this is also why I believe we need to be keeping Keinan around, that is his role, as long as we have wingers and midfielders who want to get forward we'll need that type of striker. Might not score bags of goals, the stats might not look great either, but watching the game you can see how this type of player can influence the entirety of how a team plays - Keinan is actually really, really good at it. If anything it is the one "type" of striker that we don't need to invest in because we have a perfectly capable player already.
  5. I really think people underestimate how much Jack loves his club
  6. We’ve made it through the first 45, now we need to come out and grab something. Get Keinan on for Samatta and let him hold it up so Jack/Trez can get involved in the final third
  7. He won’t be playing in the Championship next season that’s for sure
  8. This guy is our best player and I think that says more about the club than it does about him.
  9. This is very true - McGinn is a key example, when he was brimming with confidence he was linked to huge money moves to this very same Manchester United. Now he looks like he wouldn't even make their bench, but the manager needs to be instilling some sort of motivation/confidence even when we're doing badly.
  10. This is abysmal, we literally look like we want to be relegated
  11. One dodgy penalty call and everything goes out the window. Confidence is shot and it seems the lads have admitted defeat, massive shame as I thought this bunch could take us forward but it looks like we'll be going back down to the Championship for another rebuild sigh
  12. He's 22 now and similar to Andre we haven't been able to develop him like we had wished for. It makes sense for both parties that he has the chance to try and develop further elsewhere
  13. I'm sure he'll have a few days off however as you stated "was it really covid?", we know there has been ongoing problems for a while, however I think Dean seems like a head strong character who would have been preparing himself for such moment (not that it makes it any less saddening for him of course). What we do know for sure is that his dad would have been immensely proud of his boy for his achievements, even more so because of it being our club he has achieved them at. Another Holte ender in the sky
  14. He slapped the badge and screamed at the Trinity before going down the tunnel, the guy loves it here, doubt he'll ever leave now tbh.
  15. Whenever you see him start sprinting at an angle, you know exactly what is coming. Considering we bought him not even knowing if we'd be going into the Prem, he is easily worth triple what we paid for him and definitely a good player at this level.
  16. When we signed him as this "flair" player I didn't expect to see him working as hard as he does. Put a proper shift in from the minute he came on tonight, fair play to him!
  17. One point tonight I thought "sheesh, he's putting the afterburners on", then I saw Evans sprint past him
  18. Is it just me or does he look like he's running fast, but he's actually moving relatively slow?
  19. Yep thats the one - he also made a comment along the lines of Reporter: "Does it hurt that you conceded a goal that could have been prevented if it wasn't for a poor free kick?" Mings: "Most goals are preventable" Even though he was clearly annoyed, you can tell he won't just be pinning it on that one mistake that wasn't even his, and even so he probably thinks he could have done better himself. That is exactly what you need in any role, forget the praise and work on how to be even better!
  20. I guess I just feel like him, felt like a loss! My bad haha
  21. Haven't got a link, but he just looked pissed off and when Nyland was asked to give him the MOTM award he seemed even more annoyed with a half-hearted "Thanks".
  22. Despite everybody thinking he did well, the fact we lost means he didn't even want his MOTM award, could tell in his interview how fuming he is. Type of attitude we need.
  23. Would agree but Luiz and Nakamba were both switched off for the entire match, understand how you could blame Konsa but based on Luiz brain lapses all game it was just another mistake from him IMO.
  24. Seeing Guilbert looking angry and shaking his head after the match gives me some hope, but it is clear there are players in our squad who just aren't up to the task. Mentally, technically? I don't know, but we definitely need improvements. Think Jack did a good job where/when he could, Nyland or Mings MOTM but even Hause/Guilbert/Konsa all did decent.
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