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Everything posted by VillaJ100

  1. All we need then is Plymouth win, Huddersfield win, Wednesday win and they're flushed. Hope baggies A rest up for playoffs and B won't pass up the chance to get rid of this turd
  2. Yeah the Champions League matches have a higher weighting. Also the shit performance by the other muppets this year has absolutely tanked the premier league's overall coefficient from 21914 to 17386. That means if we were qualifying for the conference last year with this score we'd be in a way worse position, barely ranked above Beer Sheva. Going into next season we have 19 of our own points and counting, so our coefficient would be a minimum of 36,386. In comparison to our 19 points, Man City have earned 28, Arsenal 22, Liverpool 20, West Ham also 19, Brighton 16, Newcastle 8, Man U 7. So for 'new to Europe' clubs it's arguably better to qualify for the conference first and go deep as that's much better for your coefficient than getting smashed in the champs league, providing you can keep qualifying
  3. 3 billion pound stadium on an income of 19 million. That's income, not profit, they are actually losing 25 million a season. They are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land
  4. VillaJ100


    They are also benefitting from the standard big club decisions, they've had literally about 15 penalties, nearly a league record.
  5. Two Wednesday wins somehow, Plymouth beat Millwall and draw with Blues/Huddersfield will do nicely
  6. Wouldn't just be the council you have to convince it would be Historic England
  7. I think all the German teams have to lose every game and we have to win both semi final legs and the final and we'll beat them by like 0.012%
  8. It's remote you'd get any portion of the historic park delisted also
  9. Yeah this is how the football house of cards will come down. One day you'll have ten clubs needing to sell £120 mil worth of players, with no buyers.
  10. I thought he did a Graham Poll and showed him a second yellow but forgot to show the red. The ref was that shit I wouldn't have been surprised
  11. I didn't realise Bournemouth were such a bogey team for us. Only beat them twice in 7 games and one of those was their first match ever in the prem.
  12. If you Google David he seems to be linked with just about every club going, Man U, the Milan's, PSG etc. He could be got for about £35-40 mil but only has a year left on contract which is partly why the low fee
  13. The penalties by and large were taken very, very well. When you have to score past Martinez in training for them though I'm not surprised
  14. I think they're effed. The weight of keeping up with city etc has broken Klopp, and the squad needs a whole rebuild with an owner who doesn't want to put in many funds, and will be under a worse manager's watch. The only way is if they can sell players about to hit terminal decline like Salah and flops like Nunez for daft money to Saudi to fund the rebuild. Which they probably could tbh
  15. Probably not rubbish but being as David is touted as some 90-100 million striker he did absolutely sod all in the two legs v us. In that world Watkins must be worth 300 million
  16. I don't think they're as good as Lille. I remember last season though the third place Europa teams seemed to go a lot further in the conference?
  17. On a completely unrelated note name a team with a notorious record for breaking the duck of strikers/team etc on terrible runs?
  18. Might be one is the Greek spelling, like we say 'Brazil' but in Portuguese it's 'Brasil'
  19. Being as we keep buying Leverkusen's RW and the replacement is statistically even better if we get Frimpong I'm fully expecting them to sign the next Pele there next
  20. Much like the whole team, he can go from the ridiculous to the sublime and often multiple times in the same game
  21. Like down the field as kids ennit. 'lads we got another half hour'
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