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Everything posted by VillaJ100

  1. We looked like a team that beats Arsenal for about 7 minutes and got a goal so
  2. Tbh if they're intimidated by these Lille wet quilts Fenerbache would make them cry
  3. What was the free kick there? I think he just blew a foul to prempt a goal
  4. Suddenly after averaging 1.5 points from man city and arsenal our remaining games don't look so bad compared to Spurs...will be close run but to be honest if they can get results v all the top 3 then fair play. Odds of 5th being a champions league place now just 6.2%. what a farce of an effort from England.
  5. It's cos the media and melts on the internet will be like "Wow who saw that move coming big brain Pep legendary move by the GOAT manager that's what mortals can't see" etc
  6. City playing like the 2005 version ATM (IE shit)
  7. I just don't get the financials they are shouting about. Their total income last season was £18.9 million. And they are going to build a 3 billion stadium. Wagner needs to F Blues off and sell that long life elixir he's smoking instead because with those figures it'll take over 150 years to earn the money back. Oh also that is revenue, they actually lost £25 million so it seems well in line with the rest of Knighthead portfolio, i.e. losing a bomb. This yank spiv in a royal blue jacket could be the actual death of them for good!
  8. Not to increase pain but it was more like 375/1
  9. How are these watch along bellends watching the game?
  10. Some of the weird stuff that came out when Xia was scraping round for the odd £100 was that we owned a small disused quarry. I wonder if a new company in oooh, let's say Egypt suddenly put in an order to Villa Aggregates Ltd. For 200 million tons of sand and gravel
  11. Alexander Stadium is the HQ of British athletics, I doubt they would give up their home
  12. They were probably in such a desperate state they were condemned or something. The tight sod could have bought all the land on the other side of the road as well for cheap but didn't. That's why Witton Lane is a bit cramped/narrow and weird in it's design as it's been crammed in
  13. Solihull can kiss my grits, bloser land
  14. Yep buy all that, build hyper giga VP keep original VP as museum and for youth/women's team.
  15. Must be the oldest full back pairing ever in the league? Combined age of about 77?
  16. I think I saw an acca for palace, villa and Fulham to win was about 370/1
  17. It's very unlikely Huddersfield get two wins on the bounce though, that's why they're down in the mire
  18. VillaJ100


    I don't think they have much to worry about a shed in that part of London will be about a million pounds let alone a hotel
  19. I think you can do the stadium trick or similar but not massively overvalue it like Derby did
  20. Is there any chance of us getting Frimpong?
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