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Everything posted by VillaJ100

  1. 22 team league then though. PPG equivalent would be 67 points in a 20 team league
  2. That second half was as good a half as I'd ever seen us play ever I think. Amazing job
  3. He was noticeably quicker in the 70th min than the 5th which I found interesting
  4. Man City played crap in the last game of last season as well (lost to spurs?)
  5. That clip was brilliant. All the two bit pundits nodding along as SAF says 'i watched Newcastle Villa and let me tell you one team was outstanding, and that was Villa" etc. their faces
  6. One of those games where we look like we're running through cement. Lot of yards in some of those legs
  7. Liverpool defending absolutely woeful
  8. Yeah I remember that, it was a decent case put forward that it may have been his son. The glove was his son's size as well I think
  9. We need to beat Bournemouth and Palace get a point vs Chelsea or Brighton as a minimum to seal 5th I think. 4th you'd be looking for a win/draw from Chelsea and Brighton as well.
  10. They've done some good work but to be honest Wrexham were always a League One sized club who were in the conference mainly because of huge mismanagement and a string of dodgy owners.
  11. Yeah but to be honest if Newcastle win all their remaining games and we can't put together enough to be safe they'll deserve it.
  12. Same with Newcastle beat Palace and Bournemouth and 5th at least is ours. If Man U win this it's a bit more iffy
  13. I'm literally expecting some shite like it's bad for English football as it should be all the biggest teams in the league in the champions league or some complete rubbish like that
  14. Maybe but they can only possibly get another 18 points max, two more wins v palace and Bournemouth and we're completely clear.
  15. Chelsea away as well which is always a bogey result for them. They could honestly get 1-3 points from all those games.
  16. But but I thought Spurs were guaranteed 4th with football genius Big Ange
  17. They say they can't interfere with blatant fouls as 'the ref saw it and didn't intervene' but by that logic it can't be used for offsides as the lino would have saw it but didn't intervene. Totally dumb
  18. They only have the city's "name" as they reneged on a gentleman's agreement that no club would call themselves after the city. More fool us for thinking they could be trusted
  19. One thing Birmingham doesn't need us more office space. There's plenty of Grade A office space in prime locations in the city centre that is disused.
  20. I'm sure their 700 grand parachute payment from the championship will go far towards the new build
  21. Was that the one where he ran so fast he ran yards past the player, who then had acres of free space to carry the ball into?
  22. Played well but I think the ghost of Glenn Whelan possessed him for five seconds with that backpass
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