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Mark Albrighton

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Everything posted by Mark Albrighton

  1. In your face 2007/2008 Derby County!!!!
  2. How Charlie Bucket's other grandfather feels knowing that he's, at best, a very distant second in Charlie's affection to Grandpa Joe. The little sod didn't even pretend out of politeness that it was a difficult decision who he wanted to take to the chocolate factory.
  3. With the benefit of hindsight it would have made sense to have rested Okore for the West Ham game so he would be ready for the (slightly) more crucial game against Norwich. Ah well.
  4. Sorry to hear that too Ruge.
  5. I'm sure it's often been expressed in here, but I wonder what life would have been different if I didn't like Villa or like football (Yes, i've put those two down as separate entities to cover myself). Not worrying or getting pissed off about events I have no control over, only having a vague idea of who Lawro, Savage etc are, having weekends completely free. Sounds glorious. But I'd miss "off-topic" on VT, so pros and cons I guess.
  6. We could rename it "Preparation for Promotion Push version 1" maybe?
  7. I normally try and stay positive, but it's a near certainty we're in the championship and deservedly so. We just don't have it in us to fight our way out of this. I'm trying to look at it as a new chapter for the club (or at the very least the end of a shit 5 year long chapter in the Premier League). On the plus side, Randy loses millions.
  8. Red shoe diaries was a high point of Duchovny's career.
  9. Think him being used as a sub to try to shake things up if required is probably about right at the moment. Weirdly his stand out performances for me are more often from the bench when we're chasing the game. He is still pretty young and I think if you add up all his premier league minutes it probably amounts to about 10 or 11 games. Still a good option to have and I feel he comes across well regarding his attitude and his general demeanour, not just on the pitch but with things like that recent Acorns visit etc. It doesn't help us much in our current predicament but I think he's one of the "good guys" and I guess for that, I can't help but like him.
  10. Echoing similar views on here. In isolation, a point against West Ham is a reasonable point and were we to get six points from Norwich & Sunderland there's a slim chance we can get out of this. We would have had a fantastic Christmas period (by our incredibly low standards). Problem is we've been getting these draws that "stop the rot" without then proceeding to build on them, results wise. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that having secured two points (in a row!!!!) which by most accounts were well deserved, it's a more solid foundation to go from, confidence wise.
  11. I take it we're now all waiting to see which one of us makes the first move on Xela then.
  12. Merry Christmas to you all. Additional - for those interested, today's sock count is 14 pairs.
  13. Correct. I believe I'm right in thinking that Auty didn't record the single because his voice had broken.
  14. For some reason, I'm always moderately surprised to see David Bowie introducing "The Snowman".
  15. Just having my first drop of alcohol in a fortnight. Spiced rum and coke while watching "it's a wonderful life". Can't decide if the character of Mr Potter reminds me more of Ellis or Lerner. No, it's definitely Ellis. Then it's "Scooge", then beers with the lads. Let the festivities commence.
  16. Just seen an advert for a channel four programme called "The rich kids of Instagram". The title alone irritates me. Fortunately, I see "Dirty Harry" is on as well. I may watch that and pretend that the rich kids of Instagram are on the receiving end of Inspector Callahan's disregard for police procedure.
  17. Struggling to sleep. I keep trying to think of other examples, I blame you, Maqroll However, it's not all been in vain.......The Traveling Wilburys.
  18. A couple of years ago at work, a colleague compared me to Victor Meldrew. An 18 year old trainee had no idea who that was. I felt old that day. Anyway, this girl I was trying to start something going with is either playing it incredibly cool or is very much not interested. My spider sense is suggesting the latter, I shall however remain casual while it edges ever closer to it's inevitable downbeat ending. Already looking forward to it
  19. I hear what you're saying. Loan deal until the end of the season it is then
  20. I'm still hoping against all odds (and logic) that Liverpool fancy doing another buy-Keane-from-Spurs/sell-Keane-to-Spurs-but-for-much-less-six-months-later scenario.
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