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a m ole

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Everything posted by a m ole

  1. No, C means Control. If there’s anything on the C line it means the test works. T means Test. Anything on the T line, providing there is a line on the C, means positive. edit; I definitely misjudged what you were actually saying, but to me it read like you were saying anything on the C means it’s positive regardless of what it says on the T which is incorrect so I’ll leave the clarification up!
  2. a m ole

    Louie Barry

    It’s one of those isn’t it, you’re objecting to people praising the young players and interpreting that as thinking they’re going to all be world beaters when they’re not. There’s certainly absolutely nothing to extrapolate from him not getting minutes in the first handful of games that suggest he’s any better or worse than anyone thought so people are right to criticise your original comment.
  3. a m ole

    Louie Barry

    If one was being deliberately obtuse to get reactions, one might.
  4. ‘Don’t you **** DARE call it Malvinas!’
  5. No, need now. No patient want wins. Spend all money buy big win next game. Ignore future.
  6. Of course, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
  7. Yeah, I suspect had that been a higher profile goal, player and opposition set of fans he’d be banned for games. Look at what just happened with Nice and Marseille. If it had been some sort of anti-Utd Leeds hooligan gesture at Old Trafford, or Milwall West Ham shit, we’d be hearing a LOT more about it. He’s probably lucky that it’s not 2004, when we actually gave a small shit about Blues. If the fans in the Holte had realised what he was doing, it could have seriously kicked off.
  8. Completely unnecessary as well. People just wanted the VAR to stop being shit, they literally can’t get it right even when they try.
  9. Swear if that doesn’t get changed to an OG I’m done with FPL, corrupt
  10. Why are they calling that a good finish? It was going wide
  11. What are they going to pay him with? Drinks in town?
  12. I’m not sure how I feel about it all, but his mid table club is his employer, the people who pay him to turn up to work.
  13. Perhaps they’ll use this as an excuse to host half the races in the Middle East.
  14. These new ‘dunno whatever’ rules the refs are adhering to are going to cause some awful injuries, and Burnley look the likeliest to inflict them unsurprisingly. I’m amazed these pros in the studio don’t have more to say about players like Ben Mee. Maybe it’s just the old players who think they’re hard men like Souness that think it’s fine.
  15. I was about to blame the scheduling of European races in the rainy season, then I remembered it’s August.
  16. I think foreign journos just like the name ‘Aston Villa’ and use us as a go to link.
  17. Yeah it’s exactly what happened, and people shouldn’t have to provide context for every post because context is, well, context. He was very good. The context is - 17, debut, wasn’t expecting to play, cobbled together side, went 1 down very early through no fault of his, shit referee, Brentford were trying to ruin to flow of the game.
  18. Then he should have the book thrown at him for inciting the crowd. Could have gone much worse, I think most were just confused why he was suddenly being a prick.
  19. Just by recent circumstance, this was a massive signing.
  20. Bloke behind me today, who smelled **** gross by the way why do so many old blokes not wash then go to the football and sit there rotting in the sun, was talking all game about how shit he was and he wasn’t doing anything. It was like a 4D VillaTalk experience.
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