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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. This is our problem too. High expectations, when in reality we are just not that good.
  2. To be fair a defensive set up is what is needed in that game. The problem is creating something in their half, which I think is unlikely to see.
  3. What I saw was passing the ball around the final third with no intention to get it to a striker or out wide with the aim to cross in to the danger area. We played well as in we controlled the game, but yet again, Gerrard has failed to coach his team to get the ball in the danger zone. We have a good forward line that fails to get the ball in the face of the goal and within 12 yards of it for the 3rd game in a row. That is 100% on Gerrard.
  4. He isnt. But he's still Young.
  5. No he doesn't. Do you know who manages Villa?
  6. That's the annoying part. There are probably 10/12 worse squads than ours. Individually, those players are good. We are nowhere near as bad as we look. If we were shit, I'd take that point. It's down to the manager. It's 100% Gerrard's doing.
  7. Just think back to the Southampton game. That happiness of getting the 3 points yet feeling like someone took your pants down.
  8. But you could say an X club had a lion, a square, a shield, a round badge, claret colour, blue colour etc before us. There used to be clubs before us with a club name on the crest - why are we copying them? Why do we need a name on the badge? And is lion alone not copying other clubs as well? Liverpool have their bird, are we copying the animal trend? I really don't mind the shape. I don't care if every other club in the world uses a round badge, as long as our is different and true to our history/values.
  9. Different culture. Plus, anything ultra will right away be associated with skinheads, violence etc. UK is also crazy on health and safety side of things. This doesn't always mean it's safer, but almost always it means it's more boring.
  10. what could have been*. sorry mate, it's a thing the annoys me the most in the world ever.
  11. Because they don't give a crap and just want a kick about on a proper football pitch. A tragedy would happen when a fan takes a video of overweight middle aged MPs fall over a football and media publishes it.
  12. Like Roma did. So classic, and the use of the modern wolf works really well.
  13. Don't get me wrong - it's not like Shell will sell their product for a 50% discount. Just like farmers don't, just like other manufacturers don't. They work in market constraints, they have their budgets and have their investors pushing for more profits. The price is set by the market as you rightly point out, but there is no reason why Shell can't go slightly below market value to compete against others. The truth is, they don't have to. Shell, BP, and other corporations (regardless of industry) are there to squeeze every penny out of their customers. They are not a charity, and they don't give a shit about a single mother having to spend £100 to fill up her car instead of £80. What I don't like is massive corporations, who all work together and their CEO's drink whisky together to carve the world just a bit thinner to squeeze more money out trying to be appear humanitarian. F them. And it's not like the world governments don't have a long history of f****** with the markets. If the left wing, humanitarian and caring side of this world is supported by massive capitalist corporations who talk about injustices while reaping record breaking profits, you know something is wrong.
  14. Shell do set the price, within the limits of what the market dictates and their budgets. They are more than welcome to take a hit on their bottom line and sell their product cheaper and shout from the rooftops about petrol stations and individual franchises ripping us off by putting a premium on a Shell made product. Instead of doing that, it seems like massive corporations are now trying to suck up to the left wingers across the world to show how humanitarian they are. They can f off in my opinion. If you want to help the poorest, demand for your franchises to sell petrol cheaper. I am not a left winger, but I am amazed how money grabbing corporations now seem to set out they PR to please the idealists while in fact they bend them over on daily basis. But yeah, Shell looks soooo good by saying 'tax us, tax us!'.
  15. It's Liverpool, they won't know the difference.
  16. the last episode was really good. I have my problems with the series, but one thing you can't fault is the fighting scenes - really good and above similar I have seen from fantasy/medieval genre. Also, my mrs is not a tolkien fan and she is loving it. Maybe that's the key - lower expectations.
  17. Bednarek scored on his debut at saints against Chelsea. Lets have a repeat of that.
  18. What if it's the best badge in the history ever but it's round? Why is a shape such an issue with people?
  19. Let's say one city of 10 million people like London holds 3 games a day. All in different locations across a huge city, stadiums miles apart from ach other. Each stadium having excellent transport links. Each team has (generously) 30k fans in the stadium, and an additional 50k to visit the city and spread throughout pubs and fan zones. Do you think London couldn't take it? It's entirely possible to hold a world cup in London, no problem. In fact, it might be an easier option to organise.
  20. Look at Olympic games. More athletes, more infrastructure needed. It would be possible to hold a world cup in London or a well organised German land like Westphalia. It's entirely possible in a place where infrastructure is already in place or maybe 2 new stadiums need to be built.
  21. Which in itself isnt a bad thing. If all fans mixed together in beautiful 24-25 degrees of real summer, beers, a real festival, it would be awesome. But this won't be for obvious reasons.
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