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Everything posted by AVFCDAN

  1. You People on Netflix was ok because i like Jonah Hill but its so woke its untrue. Watched Sick which is a low budget film and didn't get into that at all.
  2. Hope Nakamba gets a loan move to a Champ club, think he would do really well at that level.
  3. Its incredible that picture contains an entire Villa 11 and i don't feel a connection a single one of them. There's a couple of decent players there but not one of them showed an ounce of it for Villa,. I still don't like Micah Richards because of it even though he seems to be pundit #1 these days.
  4. Auba - absolute not Ziyech - absolutely yes but why would he leave chelsea when hes still actively playing for them, not like hes been frozen out With regards to making no signings that would be madness imo. We wont make Europe this year but we need to kick on from this honey moon period we are currently in. No way we keep up this win rate unless we freshen up the squad.
  5. I still play this at least 3-4 times a week, hard to imagine a time when i dont. Not much of a gamer these days but still love a bit of rocket league while listening to podcasts.
  6. Its ridiculous how difficult this is EVERY time. Sort it out!
  7. Almost like a perfectly staged distraction from other important issues we should care about.
  8. We'll be lucky to finish 11th this season imo. How many more 25-30 million pound players do we need before this is achievable? West Ham have spent a fortune in the summer and arguably look worse for it. Sometimes its the right combo of players to get a solid foundation that is most needed, we haven't had that since O Neil left.

    Who can go?

    The problem with losing El Ghazi is that we haven't got anyone else like him at the club during or since he left.
  10. If he was a 10 million pound signing you might be more forgiving for the massive swings in his performances. 25 Million for the Bailey we have seen so far is a rip-off in my eyes. Traore was better for my money.

    Matty Cash

    Slightly disappointed he hasn't kicked on. Not a great defender or attacker at the moment. Thought Gerrard's awful system was hampering him for a while but not sure what to think now.
  12. Wolves just the better team today, it happens. Let’s not get on the players backs. We can still win the 2nd half.
  13. I really like the idea of Cash in an advanced role.
  14. Not very often you are confident as a Villa fan but even money on us today is incredibly tempting.
  15. It’s on multiple channels if you have the correct source but not on UK TV.
  16. It doesn’t matter if Guardiola decided to drop Man City and come to Villa Park, we simply don’t have the squad for 6th place, we don’t even have the squad for top 10 in my eyes. There has to be some more quality signings made before we kick on.
  17. Thought we played ok and at least we didn’t sit back and just take a 2-0 loss like we may have done in recent years. If we want to improve you have to go for a win in most games regardless of the opposition. Were still one quality player short in all 3 areas of the pitch, obviously the keeper today as well but that was just one game. Nobody likes to lose a game but this was an acceptable loss for me as we actually had a go at them and on another day could have bad 2-3 goals. Have to just take this one on the chin unfortunately.
  18. I’ve just finished Pinocchio as well and thought it was fantastic. Some of the voice acting was superb and the themes of life and death went far deeper than I was expecting. The star of show is of course the amazing stop motion, it’s some of the best I’ve seen to be fair. Aside from a couple of songs that didn’t really hit the mark and maybe as Mike said above there isn’t a clear target audience, it’s certainly not a kids movie and is actually quite weird in general but I would expect nothing less from Del Toro, I think it’s great he was allowed to make it exactly how he wanted without a box ticking exercise going on.
  19. Truly a great film for getting into the Christmas spirit.
  20. People who live out their entire lives through social media just baffle me, its truly one of those things i don't understand. Just live in the moment for Gods sake!
  21. If the Fury Uysk fight doesn’t happen I think we can safely assume it’s because Fury bottled it, Usyk absolutely wants that fight.
  22. Yeah i think he came after Tim, right? Wasn't as good once it changed IIRC.
  23. Tims confessions was excellent, used to listen most nights while playing on my dreamcast.
  24. When the supermarket own brand fizzy drink is 60-80p you would be mad to pay the branded prices. Apart from coke there’s barely any difference in the flavour, especially if you drink sugar free.
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