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Everything posted by gwi1890

  1. https://x.com/fabrizioromano/status/1697725711014887439?s=46&t=gr5LJ8Imr7-Zq9qMcJ9bEA
  2. Archer and Ramsey deals took time. It’s likely about negotiating the buyback or he’s waiting on other offers.
  3. Not in the Spain squad, needs to play regularly this might change his mind about staying at Barcelona.
  4. Didn’t the AZ fans attempt to assault a West Ham stand last season only to be picked off one by one by two men?
  5. We might as well Keep Keinan Davis if Origi is the option
  6. I think he just needs to gradually play himself to form and fitness he’s that type of player that takes a bit of time to get going.
  7. And will eventually be sold
  8. He’s to young to go out on loan
  9. Steady safe performance useful squad player
  10. 17 years old let that sink in
  11. Awesome I’ve enjoyed both legs thought Easter road was a good ground to. Say what you will about Scottish football they certainly have a lot to offer in terms of atmosphere and character.
  12. gwi1890

    Jhon Durán

    It’s easy to see why we signed him. Rare to see someone so you with those physical attributes.
  13. What a finish that’s why we are keeping faith with Duran. That’s why we signed Pau. And it’s the reason we’ve loaned Lenglet
  14. Not in the squad at all tonight, is he being shipped out?
  15. that makes sense and probably not explains why his situation dragged on so long.
  16. gwi1890


    More o less pays for Doku, it’s the same concept as us selling our academy player just on another level.
  17. Its gotten to the point I only YouTube watch Dynamite and watch the full episode of Collision. I really enjoyed the continuation of storylines on Collision and was looking forward to seeing how Starks storyline with Punk unfolded but it’s all up in the air now I guess.
  18. Think this will be the first one I won’t be buying, I’ll probably change my mind Sunday
  19. Well thought out loan, or RB often comes infield.
  20. Chicago crowd will highjack the show at All Out if Punk isn’t on it what a mess.
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