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Everything posted by gwi1890

  1. Honest reply anybody who knows anything about Emery will know this won’t bother him in the slightest if anything it will please him seeing a player wanting to start it’s up to the Player to prove that he’s worthy now.
  2. I think he’s brought in players with the idea of dominating possession which is 100% they way to go at home especially against lesser opponents. But any of the tougher teams away from home we should be shi*housing our way to victory with a solid defensive base.
  3. I almost feel ashamed to say this but I once said Craig Gardner was more than capable of replacing Gareth Barry.
  4. I’m guessing we didn’t sign him due to Sevilla demanding a fee that we weren’t prepared to pay as it seems he’s back from injury now that and Dinge not securing a permanent move.
  5. Maybe play Moreno at lb and Cash at rb swap Pau and Konsa around
  6. Collision built the house of black strong which led into a feud with the acclaimed, elevated Ricky Starks, gave Bullet Club Gold a direction. Andrade was finally getting over it was leading to the reintroduction of LFI. The show was building on the same talent each week. And yes I agree with you on the titles they could have used the RoH titles on Collision or Rampage for that matter .
  7. More often than not same with Leon Bailey.
  8. I thought about mentioning Steve Bruce but I think he’s several levels above those two.
  9. Wilfred Zaha does as much if not more Charitable work and you all hate him
  10. Dynamite used to be awesome but now it’s just random matches without any build thrown together the only storyline the kept going in recent months was MJF - Cole.
  11. Yup it’s been a steady decline since Cody left yes big names came through the door but storyline wise it’s been pretty directionless , Collisions has been the only show I’ve been able to sit through from start to finish recently I wonder why that was? It’s a shame that such a promising promotion has come to this.
  12. The whole situation was a mess from Punk not being picked up at the air port to what happened backstage after, the glass spot was a reference to a slight altercation on Collision involving Punk and Perry a week or so prior (which proves what Punk said about talent not listening to coaches) months ago . AEW lack leadership I think the situation and how it should have been handled lies somewhere in between The Elite & friends/Perry + Punk have been incredibly unprofessional the way the company is being run isn’t sustainable.
  13. No one he’ll rotate with Luiz and Kamara the fixtures list will congest in December and he’s like to start as many games here than he would for a team not in Europe.
  14. 4 games into the season ………..
  15. A reminder for that plenty were not sold on Moreno initially, it will take time for Pau to adapt the injuries and constant disruptions to the back line isn’t helping.
  16. Remember when Jack Grealish threw his toys out the pram being subbed at the 88th minute when we were comfortably ahed surly it was down to bad attitude? Nope it was his passion and love for Villa of course.
  17. Looks like he’s ok sitting on the bench now
  18. Pathetic if they do, unfortunate that he’s been thrown in at the deep end due to injuries and now with Carlos injured unsettling thing further.
  19. 4 minutes? If Liverpool weren’t ahed I’m sure it would be 10
  20. Said last season despite his goals that Kane was hindering them long term he has no tactical discipline and gets in the way of build play. England have the same problem that and a shambolic coach .
  21. They already have Dennis, Awoniyi , Wood and 57 attacking midfielders.
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