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Everything posted by May-Z

  1. I understand that is the situation now, but will we get to a point where YouTubers, tiktokers and the like become the avenue of most exposure instead? If you think about how much money influencers make through followers etc, the next generation (unfortunately) will be looking to them as the guide rather than radio imo. I mean, when I was younger, radio was how to access any new music as we didn't have Sky/MTV/Freeview. How many kids/teens use radio as their music source now?
  2. Cadettes? Really? That's blown my mind. Is this a Stranger Things inspired hipster thing?
  3. This has got me thinking about when that final cut of all traditional media and communication may happen. All TV except sports move to on demand, YouTube/Spotify deal with all new music, radio replaced with podcasts... I'm assuming magazines and newspapers will be binned off at some point using an ecological arguement due to the amount of waste they create, and landline phones are largely dead already. So, will it happen? If so, how soon? Or do things like this actually stick around for longer due to older generations keeping usage rates higher?
  4. Rangers have a tradition of having red and white away kits, particularly white a diagonal half. Heres their 87 away for example:
  5. This is my favourite badge (and kit). The claret lion on blue background stands out so well...and having the black around the edge makes the yellow pop too. I think the shield is a good shape that would be nice to see back. The only downside is 'prepared' being yellow on a pale blue background. However, I can't see anything but a round badge coming out with the full ASTON VILLA included. I'm struggling to see how a design would meet that criteria and still take its guide from the 57 kit. Shame.
  6. I wonder if this episode will lead to the phrase 'he's Brisbane'... "El Ghazi needs to be sold. He's Brisbane at the minute"
  7. Just to help... Birmingham to Brisbane: 10,274 miles. He's miles away.
  8. Joseph Minala. When this photo was taken, he was claiming he was 17
  9. I think that Burnley kit is a decent effort. Nice nod to the past but modern enough to be different.
  10. It's a great shout. Definitely needs to come back. It was a small-size, imitation vending machine. You stocked it up with celebration-size mini bars of Cadbury's and then paid 2p for it to vend one at a time. (Although this example has 10p, fecking inflation)
  11. May-Z

    Keinan Davis

    Went to Burton V Forest with a Forest fan yesterday. He says they're still interested from what he's read. Also, their new striker did not put in a good showing at all. They need Davis (or at least another striker)
  12. I'm going to try and stay away from goals being a favourite because of a golazo...
  13. As highlighted in the Carlos interview. Interviewer: Hello Diego, what are your first impressions DC: Really good. The players are friendly and the facilities are amazing. Interviewer: And what do you think of the facilities?
  14. Just found this interesting article about 'the round badge takeover'. They're happening everywhere! https://amp.footyheadlines.com/8936986692016627397/ There's some nice attempts in there. Wonder if we can take hints from Miami and have a circle with a shield inside.
  15. It's clearly the lion to use, but I worry that this 'across all digital platforms' design brief will just force it to be a simplified/stylised version like Spurs' cock, Brentford's bee, Arsenal's cannon etc. I expect things like the mane, claws, thin tail, etc to be too intricate and will be adjusted in whichever lion they go for.
  16. I like how it nods to the gaslight/Holte gates/Holte windows subtlety too.
  17. Just typed in 'AV logo' on Google. Brings up some interesting ideas. This was a kind of cool Juve-style of what we could do. I don't think we will, nor do I particularly want us to, but I like how it creates a shield shape. I can't see us doing anything without 'Aston Villa' being written in full tbh.
  18. I don't think we've ever had a template for a kit so there hasn't been that element of us just being part of a catalogue that's churned out in a different colour. Also, I think, in terms of kits, there's a lot to be said about being the first, it means we're not choosing to be like someone else. (Even if we might have the same colours) Although it's hard to say exactly what a Villa kit is, we can all spot when mock-ups in the new kit thread look 'a bit too Burnley' or 'a bit to West Ham'. I'm sure @NurembergVillan did a video where he states that Villa have never really pinned down a colour for our 'brand' and the amount of badge changes (without a clear reason for it) have meant we've never really pulled a whole package together about 'what is Villa'. I think introducing a round badge at this point would be like we're making a choice to be like others....and we've never done that before.
  19. Here's last year's set of PL badges. Round badges with simple font and picture are giving me the same vibes as template shirts. It would obviously be Villa...but would it really be Villa if it's just the Chelsea badge in claret and blue, of Brentford but with a lion?
  20. Reading the release it looks like it'll be a round badge, with 'Aston Villa FC' instead of AVFC and will probably do something to the style of the lion for simplicity and its colour so the contrast on the badge is easier to see. I prefer a shield instead of a badge. Maybe they could do that with a claret lion or something.
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