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Everything posted by May-Z

  1. How are we slagging Everton off? Surely it's a compliment to them that we're all looking over our slightly worried shoulders? Personally, I think what Everton have done this year with their injuries etc has been amazing, and like AG said, their only loss in the last 18 games has been at Old Trafford. That's pretty good to say the least. I just find it annoying! All they have to do is lose a few times, maybe conceed a few and then all will be happy. PS. What if AG looks like Fellaini or ...gasp...Joleon!?!
  2. What's that now? One loss in 17?! That's **** awesome. Why can't they just bugger off and leave us to finish comfortably this year. I don't like how they never lose.
  3. To the sound of frere a Jacques Emile Heskey, Emile Heskey, John Carew, John Carew, Nigel Reo-Coker, Nigel Reo-Coker Steve Sidwell, Steve Sidwell. There's so many possibilities for this, I reckon it's a goer!
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