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Everything posted by colhint

  1. colhint

    Unai Emery

    I think soon we'll drop the surname. All the greats have one name. Pele, Cruyff , Maradonna, Messi, Unai.
  2. Someone mentioned game plans There are game plans And there are Emery game plans. I would like Dendonker to be involved at some point, and I don't mean for the last 5 mins We have SJM boubs, Dougie Your and JJ who can intermingle the only one who can't be intermingled is Boubs. I just think we need to test ourselves without him. If you can't do it against Luton at home, when can you. Unless of course the con thinks Tim might be ready.
  3. The cynic in me thinks the US has done quite well, there hasn't been one of these for a few months.
  4. Pretty soon clubs will be saying Come on lads it's man u
  5. Austin Mcphee worked this out. He realised the ref measures 10 paces. That is shorter than 10 yards. He was wondering why we hit the wall so much. We were practicing with the wall at exactly 10 yards . The average pace is 30 inches so the average wall is 5 feet too close.
  6. Saw an interesting stat With injury time that must be over 1000 minutes. We have been behind 40 minutes.
  7. colhint

    Unai Emery

    I'm worried about FFP Do you guys realise the cost of a 10 meter solid gold statue.
  8. Nah he was on the lash with Wayne Rooney
  9. Some sound financial advice for you I asked a local hooker how much for a hand job, she said £10. So far I've saved over a grand this year by doing it myself.
  10. Off topic. I can wander into the Israel Palestine debate. Boy does it get heated, with well thought out discussions, reasoned argument, and a few weird and passionate points on offer. Got a bit heavy so I thought I'd come out of it for a while. What's the next topic on the list? How do you wipe your arse.
  11. Jamaica has the only national which doesn't contain either red white or blue. Libya had all green for a while but reverted back to its old one after Gaddafi.
  12. That's her problem, she's the best left back in the England team she's also the best striker.
  13. Best finisher at the club. So many 1 touch goals
  14. I think we'll be so much better when Dali is back. Anyone know when that is
  15. Point memo is the in the Pacific is the most remote place on the planet. It is so far from land that the nearest people to it are the astronauts on the International space with when it passes overhead
  16. Kiribati in the Pacific is in all four hemispheres.
  17. I didn't think they would best Ireland
  18. This the first world cup I can remember when anyone of four teams could win it
  19. I think Argentina will win it. They'll call up Emi play him at full back and no one will score against them again.
  20. I heard a good comment about the game Gareth it's not Rugby, you can pass forward.
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