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Everything posted by pas5898

  1. The US couldn't be anymore clear. NSA advisor interview linked below from The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/25/us-russia-ukraine-war-nuclear-weapons-jake-sullivan
  2. The majority of people who change their votes are mainly led by news headlines and catchy manifesto promises. They don't have time to dive into the details. Therefore, elections are about who can make the most outlandish promises in their manifesto, that to the bulk of the country are at least semi-feasible . Keeping them is completely irrelevant (neither party does)
  3. All those 2020/2021 (covid time) 2 year fixed term mortgages are about to expire. House prices will not go up between now and the next election.
  4. Easiest Tee up ever. Stay in the middle, don't get involved in divisive politics. If you get dragged into immigration, Gender or other divisive discussions stay centrist (even if it annoys some of the left leaning party members). They've caught on and will literally walk the next election.
  5. As much as people roll their eyes, the real reason the Tories got in was because Corbyn was just too far left for the general electorate to digest. Correctly or not, he was successfully portrayed as Anti British, pro immigration, state sponsored everything etc. Just too much too soon for the majority of the electorate. If Starmer, or another more centrist figure was Labour leader at the time Labour would have probably won. Labour have wised up, they are making wise decisions to keep main electorate happy. An example of this was playing the national anthem at the start of the Labour party conference (Corbyn still couldn't help himself but moan about it). It does no harm, but it keeps flag waivers happy + helps to dismiss the anti British sentiment.
  6. My wife (who's Lithuanian / Russian) said she is Russia's Madonna. One of those singers who although is no longer in the limelight, you reminisce and know every one of their songs (young and old). Whacking her would be a massive PR disaster for the Kremlin.
  7. KDB is the only player that makes Man City slightly enjoyable to watch. He's the Pep Bot XL with a little bit of freedom. Txiki has built and incredible team, I wonder how they would play with a bit of freedom.
  8. The news / propaganda machine is powerful. My wife is Lithuanian, from a Russian family. She has cousins in Kiev who were from the same Russian family but now consider themselves Ukrainian. Generally speaking if you are <40 you consider yourself Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Latvian etc and are absolutely horrified by what's happening. If you are >40 you reminisce about the Soviet days, consume Russian TV etc. Her parents, who consume everything Russian are 100% behind the war, think Russia is winning (easily) and think this is all Americas fault. The whole world is popping up Ukraine, because they "know" Putin could easily take over the annex the whole of Europe, including the UK if he decided to. Thankfully he has just decided he needs to liberate the former soviet states before America + Nato take them.
  9. If you are honest you pay 20% tax. Many probably pay around a quarter of that.
  10. pas5898


    We're already in a Super League position, people just don't realise. FFP makes the gap to the top 6 insurmountable. The Champions League is now the Super League.
  11. With Leicester postponed + Southampton almost certainly postponed (funeral), if they were to make a chance now is the time. Otherwise it's 2 games a week until end of November.
  12. The Euro has also slid a similar amount, if not more against the dollar.
  13. Man City draw will give Gerrard to the Southampton game. If we we don't beat Leicester, I genuinely think the home fans will force Gerrard to be sacked after the Southampton game (think Bruce / Preston at home) Rodgers is just a game of cat and mouse. They won't fire him and he won't quit. Their fans might need to kick off to make it happen.
  14. Kind of shows what a well drilled system looks like. Everyone, including the backups know their jobs. If there's an injury or sale, the next player steps up and seamlessly steps in. Always noticed this with well coached international clubs like Sevilla, Villarael, Benfica, Sporting etc. They lose 3/4 of their best players every single summer, but they continue as normal season in, season out.
  15. Probably a similar fee for if he walked or was poached by another club (a strong possibility at the signing of the contract)
  16. Owner is definitely erratic. I reckon if they are anywhere near bottom 6 come October Cooper is gone.
  17. Worthwhile noting Rooney also went back the USA. Saying he can grow and learn his management style outside the limelight of the PL.
  18. They really didn't want to sack the legendary promotion merchant Steve Bruce, but the Preston at home game made it completely untenable. I think the same will happen at Southampton at home.
  19. My thoughts exactly, we are just delaying the inevitable. I do wonder if they are waiting for Rodgers to be sacked / walk then taking him? Will save a few million on compensation? Regardless, when we lose to City, then he must win Leicester & Southampton. If we don't perform well, at Southampton home the fans will turn and his job will be completely untenable.
  20. Gerrard happened. We went with "ready made, tried and trusted" Premier League players, rather than scouting effective high potential players.
  21. You have to actually put the ball into the strikers near or in the box to score goals.
  22. We signed Danny Ings, a proven goalscorer for 10 years - puts on a Villa Shirt and turns into Helenius We signed Countinho, 3rd most expensive player ever, magician. Turns into Danny Drinkwater as soon as he puts on a Villa top. Digne, proven left back, French international. Puts on a Villa top and he's about as good as De-La-Cruz I absolutely guarantee, we could sign Mbappe: with this current regime / setup whoever we sign will be absolutely useless. (Yes im grumpy and tired after getting back at 1am from the game last night)
  23. I wouldn't be giving Gerrard anymore money. See what happens in the next 4-6 games. It appears the more he spends the worse we get.
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