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Everything posted by darrenm

  1. Please stop with the signal puns. It hertz.
  2. Were you directed by the American lady?
  3. Hence why Southgate has no choice but to start Grealish at the euros.
  4. Thanks. I saw it Saturday night off this review. Really good and fully agreed with the opinion.
  5. re the dislike of Southgate. I think it's mainly just that he disrespected our boy. He had to make some bizarre contorted reasoning to justify leaving him out before and football fans aren't quick to forgive an insult. IMO Southgate has actually made Jack go backwards a little bit when playing for England. He's made him too conservative. The freedom he has for Villa where he pretty much has the keys to Villa Park he's not allowed for England, and England are the worse for it. I fully agree with your team. I wasn't sold on Bellingham but he's the best CDM England have got right now. It seems so obvious to me that the best front 6 are Rice, Bellingham, Foden, Mount, Grealish, Kane. I'm not sure Southgate necessarily needs to worry about if they work together - you put them on the pitch and they'll deliver.
  6. He's got to play Grealish. He's got no choice. Probably ahead of Rashford.
  7. Would be an incredible player for us. Just can't see it happening.
  8. A front 5 of Mount Rice Foden Kane Grealish Will terrify any team at the Euros Get Henderson sat behind there with a back 4 of TAA, Stones, Maguire, Shaw and that's a bloody good team. One that has a really good chance of winning it.
  9. Yep almost any petrol within about the last 14 years is ok but it has to be a fairly recent diesel.
  10. Just back from Cruella. It's actually brilliant. Loved it. It looks amazing and has a great soundtrack. The story is fine. At no time is there not something beautiful to look at or a remastered classic track that doesn't feel hackneyed in. Thumbs up from me.
  11. I know this is a Villa forum and claret & blue specs etc etc but even trying to be as objective as possible, I don't see that Foden is as useful to a team as Grealish. Foden is great. He's probably better individually than Grealish at shooting in the box but he can't: * Force the other team to put 3 players on him * Dance around people with ease, drawing fouls * Sprint up the pitch on a break, taking it past various players in the process Foden is a superb player in a superb team. Once in a generation? Hmm, not sure. That's Grealish. But I know others don't see it that way.
  12. Yep cases is almost meaningless now. The most vulnerable have been vaccinated and a lot of the rest have too. You'd expect the cases to increase but hospitalisations and deaths should hardly change.
  13. GeoIP is a mess now. They need to give up on it.
  14. I think it's simple. If Southgate plays Jack every game, we win the tournament. Jack completely changes the dynamics of a game. If villa had better players we could exploit it more. With England they'll have a field day.
  15. Is it just me that finds that a bit patronising when Grealish is now one of the world's top players?
  16. I wondered about that but apparently there's nothing in the Labour Party rules which prevents a non-MP from being leader. I know it's unlikely and another reason he wouldn't want to resign as mayor but these are strange times.
  17. Jon Trickett has been hinting at it about the same time as Diane Abbott wrote this https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/may/19/losing-byelection-would-be-curtains-for-keir-starmer-says-diane-abbott Labour currently have 198 MPs. The rules state that a leadership challenge can be started by 20% of MPs. That's currently 40. Lose one more seat and it's 39 - apparently the current number of SCG MPs + enough who are dismayed enough at the current polling to want Burnham in. I can see Burnham being a really popular leader and would transform Labour's fortunes. But no-one should listen to me, I thought that about Starmer.
  18. What else can they do? Only a general election would change things then. Or another by-election.
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