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Everything posted by darrenm

  1. My first reaction was it must just be more resource per capita. But as far as I'm aware, England has been doing jabs as fast as they can get them so the bottleneck hasn't been resource. Therefore Wales must have just been allocated more vaccines per capita.
  2. This is great data and news
  3. I want him to play against Czech Republic and embarrass Coufal. Coufal for West Ham made it his mission to stop Grealish and was very proud that he did because he had no-one else to worry about. I'd love Grealish to get his own back. The reality will be more like, be won't play against Scotland then he'll start against Czechs along with a load of other 2nd stringers and get nothing against them, then not get another minute until 80th against France where we're losing and he gets 2 touches.
  4. 10 mins of defending. If we win this Southgate has got away with one.
  5. I stopped watching at 20 mins and apparently nothing has happened since?
  6. Yeah I know. Bit bizarre. Apparently he wants to retire from football and go play American football as a kicker in the NFL:
  7. I was watching an interview with Kane and Neville where Kane said he just decided that to improve his game he needed to drop deeper to get involved more. He saw Michael Jordan changed his game in that way. So he does it and no-one has ever told him not to.
  8. I think the midfield and defence are looking good because Croatia have decided that in this heat they can't press.
  9. Oh ok. Thought you were implying there was something not obvious.
  10. Yeah he's doing well. Doubt he'll ever hit a sweeter volley than that.
  11. The reason I know a bit about the heart stuff is I'm a huge hypochondriac and I've had *loads* of heart tests over the years while I knew a local heart surgeon who I spoke to every week because I was a bit obsessive. My last test was a stress echo on a tilt table exercise bike. All wired up and they have to get the heart rate right up but because I cycle a lot it took ages then as you're blowing out your arse, you have to somehow hold your breath for a few seconds while they do a sonograph looking at all of the structures of the heart visually working while it's under stress. Alongside the ECG graph at the same time they will spot anything. Anyway, OT
  12. That's why I was wondering about the well established fact that viruses can attack the heart, causing enlargement if training continues during infection, and we're in a COVID epidemic where athletes might have been asymptomatic. I could be completely off and talking complete rubbish but I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of pro footballers having stress echos after this. I think defects are almost always picked up just by a simple ECG. And then a stress echo for further exploration.
  13. Spooky why? The doctor's report made out like he always had a pulse, but it 'drastically changed' so maybe VF.
  14. Didn't expect to see Keane and Vieira sat next to each other.
  15. I'm genuinely shocked the game is going ahead tonight.
  16. Come on. He's alive. It was horrific. We're all shocked. It's ok to discuss what happened.
  17. When I heard the fans near him start cheering I dared to hope that they had seen him awake.
  18. Obviously what happened will all come out so this is pure speculation on my part. I assume it'll be an undetected heart defect like cardiomyopathy but I thought they screened all footballers for that now. I guess that the medics were able to get there in seconds and start CPR instantly meant it had to be heart related. The use of a defibrillator means the heart was fibrillating because they won't work if they find a pulse. They stop the heart so it can then start beating again normally. Doing CPR keeps blood moving around the body to stop organs shutting down and as footballers have such oxygen rich blood, the prognosis of having CPR for minutes is much better than non athletes. I imagine he'll never play football again though. It could well be the exact same situation as Muamba. This is completely out there and may have no basis in truth whatsoever but I remember a heart surgeon telling me that he gave a heart transplant to someone who had an enlarged heart because they kept running training during a virus.
  19. If they're still going it's unlikely to be good. Desperately hope otherwise.
  20. I think his point is there doesn't need to be a lockdown because the vast majority of the 99% most at risk of dying have been vaccinated so you'll be locking down to protect people already protected. The risk of not locking down is a very small number of deaths in the under 40s, some long COVID cases and those who are older but have chosen not to have the vaccine.
  21. I thought 2 doses was > 95% with the delta variant? The number of deaths from COVID delta variant of people who had both jabs was something like 3% of total deaths which showed that the variant was no more deadly than any other variant.
  22. Southgate will really struggle not to pick him https://www.skysports.com/football/news/12016/12329995/englands-xi-vs-croatia-readers-selection-for-euro-2020-opener-revealed
  23. Jose saying that Grealish is pretty much first name on the team sheet
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