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Everything posted by Pez1974

  1. How am I the first to mention a certain game in May 1982? That was OK. Not talked about enough.
  2. Sheffield Wednesday away - Big Ron's first game. 2-0 down to winning 3-2, after he'd left them for us. So drunk. Barcelona at home in the Super cup 1983. No Maradona, but wow. Amazing game. Had it all.
  3. This. In the past we'd have signed this player permanently, and be left with the wages and no sell on fee when no-one else will touch them. Be thankful that Drinkwater and Barkley have simply been returned to their rightful owner. We'll always have Leicester away and the 7-2, and for that I am grateful.
  4. Think this summer is the end of the clause. People seem to forget he has just turned 23 - and younger than Callum O'Hare. He played a year in Spain in a team which got relegated, and then last year for us, when he stepped up project restart. He's still learning, and as we improve, I think he will. In modern terms, he didn't cost us a lot (£15m?) and is probably worth double that now, or more. I don't think he is a DCM, in the sense of what we need right now. And in the team which is too often on the back foot, we need someone better in the DCM role (i.e. a better Nakamba) and then Luiz can be a normal CM and I think he'll flourish. I think in a top side he could be a DCM, as they are under the sort of pressure we are most games.
  5. My response was to a point that Busquets could be blown down with a feather. He could - when he choose to. But he could also mix it. Not an argument. I never made a comment about last nights game, but I do think that there were a few challenges which 'smarter' players/teams would've made a bigger fuss over. It's perhaps not the best example, but I thought Wood was pulling shirts all game in every tussle; and there was a blatant one when he won the corner with Mings which they scored from. I think we should've been pointing this out to the ref from the start, and it may have got us a free kick, instead of them having a corner. Doesn't excuse the defending; I don't blame Mings or the ref - but it is my opinion that 'smart' teams get these things more often, and leads to the perception of referee bias. On this score, I think we are a bit 'green' - but we have got better over the past 12 months. With regards the 'writing off' - a few have said that Luiz isn't a DM because of {add a variety of comments} - I say give him time, as I'm sure many others think too.
  6. Don't confuse strength with shithousery - Busquets was one of the biggest shit houses around (and smart with it); he could mix it when he needed to. Pogba is built like a brick privy, but give him a hard stare in the penalty area, he goes down quicker....well, you know. I think a lot of our team are still a bit 'green' in the dark arts. Except Jack. But we have the youngest average age in the league; no-one should be writing anybody off yet. Unless they're called Henri.
  7. Pez1974

    Dr Jo

    RIP Dr Jo. May have been the right man, but was at the wrong time. Seemed like a good person, and he gave us memories and never shirked his work. You can't ask for more.
  8. The man is a footballing dinosaur - he has about as much insight into players, tactics and the opponent as your average Sunday league manager. But he's a 'name' with friends in the media. It's time these guys were out of English football forever - give the next generation a chance. I am so happy our owners went for Deano, rather than stick with the cabbage, or go for the 'name' in Henry.
  9. Good. Government intervention into football is very risky - sport shouldn't be political, and FIFA rules will watch this very carefully as they can suspend federations if it were inappropriate. I suspect the football authorities have been under notice to make changes themselves for a while - probably years - and the time has come to intervene.
  10. Nice to have a manager on this group that knows what players he wants, how he will coach them, and how they will integrate into the team. FWIW, my view is that the DoF role is now the one that changes with some degree of regularity (perhaps every 3 years?) It isn't healthy for any organisation to have the only same voices making decisions for a long period of time - and Purslow and Smith are pretty fixed for a while now.
  11. Just remember re: the clause - Luiz would still have to agree a deal to go back. He's come to Villa and got in the Brazil team - Man City would have to give him some guarantees that he isn't going to spend 3 seasons on their bench before joining West Ham (I know there are no guarantees, but still...)
  12. That's an amazing clip....brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, Nakamba. Then it ended. Not sure why.
  13. Wow - it's quite rare that I think "I hope a player reads his thread", but in Conor's case, I really hope he does. (FWIW, I hope Rashica doesn't read his thread; he'd be changing all the locks in his house). He come's across as the sort of guy who will read the 'limitations' comments, and perhaps see his own comments last year about Jack being so far ahead of others in the squad, and perhaps realise he was talking about himself. But also, the level of affection and appreciation for what he has done for this club - I'm sure he'd love it.
  14. I've not seen him play, but I trust the clubs judgement - they've earned that. We need another CM in my view - Luiz and McGinn need to be rested, and we haven't got anyone else to fill that role close to their level. We can't risk sticking Nakamba in against the shit teams just for rotation at this stage, our season could still drop off massively - Newcastle aside, our games in hand aren't exactly easy! And if we can get bargains - then that's good business. I read West Ham were interested in the summer, but they need a forward, and I think that some clubs just choose not to bid against us now, knowing our financial firepower. We're like the Man City of the 'Other 14'.
  15. This. He should be very fondly remembered, as he's played a big part in the transition between us being in the shit, and becoming a force again (I hope). But his level is, in my opinion, below where we are now and definitely where we want to be in a year. Ramsey is ahead of him, and that's right for the club. As a club, we treat our players well, and should give him the loan move he wants (providing they meet our terms). And hopefully one day, when we're all back in, he gets to play at Villa Park, and gets the appreciation he deserves.
  16. A load of really sensible and balanced views on here about that team. Reality is that this move gives him the best chance of a career in the game, be it for us or another club. And we owe our academy players that. I hope they all make it, but deep down I suspect that if 3 of the team that played the other night are playing for the first team in 4 or 5 years - either we've plummeted again, or we have a once in a generation crop of youngsters. The "class of '92" have that almost mystical reputation as it happens so rarely. Good luck to the lad; go, learn, work hard, and come back better.
  17. Anyone coming through from the U23s? Plus - if/when we get into Europe, we might need to have 3x starters for the 2x midfield berths alongside Luiz and McGinn just to combat fatigue. Totally get your point, but to go to the next level again, quite a few of the current first 11 either need to step up again or they will find themselves on the bench soon.
  18. Yes. But he came in, didn't start brilliantly, but did OK - and was then in a relegation battle in a club struggling to score. In a new country, with a different language. That sort of pressure can really **** with someone's head. We are a different club today; he should be more settled, and it's noticeable that players have been keen to get him in the dressing room pictures. The injury will take time to fully recover, but as an option off the bench, and hopefully a handful of goals to boost his confidence before the end of the season, he can be much more relaxed, which is often when players play at their best.
  19. Not sure we'll see any incomings - unless there are some genuine bargains to be had. Some clubs are really struggling with Covid destroying their income, and as much as I don't like the thought of us taking advantage - I would love us to take advantage! Plus with Heaton and Wesley back soon, the squad is looking stronger now than it was at game 1. I am sure the big focus is on next summer - there's a fair few we will need to move on over the next 6 months and I can imagine another 5 coming in for the £100m combined fee again (Barkley, LB, CM, winger, CB), plus perhaps a replacement for Luiz.
  20. This. Good off the bench, and with limited game time, he can probably start a handful of games a season with really high energy, and against the bottom half, he'll do fine. I suspect we'll be looking to sell him in the summer, or a year later - maybe to a newly promoted club who just need that experience and only have £8m of budget. And that's how we'll progress as a club.
  21. He had a good game. Compare him to Keane - one was playing left CB in a 3, the other was on the right. One was dynamic, got forward and was a threat in open play and recycled the ball well (albeit with 1 too many long balls); the other was a lump of a lamppost, who waddled forward for corners.
  22. Exactly this. Jack creates space and makes everyone else better, plus he keeps the ball, which is so valuable when we're under pressure. I think Southgate dug himself a hole over Jack - saying stuff for a quick, pithy response, rather than being considered. The fact is, England are better with Jack in the team - others are faster, others will work harder, others are more clinical in front of goal - but no-one else can do what he does.
  23. The good news (and there's a lot) is that apart from Man Utd and Arsenal , the bottom half is full of the teams you'd expect to see there, so it's unlikely they'll go on a winning run. A lot of people would have had us (and Palace) down there, so we're genuinely over performing, rather than everyone else being shit - which is really how we stayed up last season. We still need to be wary - but every week the gap seems to grow and means that a 'bad month' won't drop us in the shit. Results over the next 7 games should ensure we top 30 points, and from there, we're surely safe with so many games left and the team can relax and start chasing improbable dreams.
  24. The exciting thing is that as we continue to progress, current first teamers will need to improve or risk becoming subs and squad players, as we buy more quality. And integrate the greatest U18 team that's every been assembled Seriously, I can see some current first choice players being on the bench in a couple of years - that's how far we'll progress (I hope!).
  25. He's become a vital player to this team. He came in as a winger, but has worked so hard to improve that he has become a proper workhorse, but retains that element of skill. Deserves all the plaudits coming to him, and there's a few players in the squad who should have a picture of him on their wall at home, and look at it every day thinking 'with hard work, I too can be like him'.
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