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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. I've just put it on, I was looking forward to having a night of the boxing and saw that it was an all female card so I opted not to bother, I just don't enjoy it, as soon as I have put it on they are talking about Beyonce lol I'll have a look at the main event though.
  2. Oh man, that was awful, I can't even be bothered to go into too much because I just thought it was that bad. It looks alright, the dialogue is laughably bad at times, the film is boring and dull, the "twist" was ridiculous and poorly explained, the characters motives and/or decisions were ludicrous and nonsensical. I reckon if you spliced this with Halloween Kills then you would probably get a decent movie out of it but after watching the whole trilogy, they should have just left it at Halloween 2018. Also LOL at Pennywise Myers
  3. Going to put this on in an hour or so, looking forward to the final (lol) Myers film,I haven't so much as watched a single trailer for it so I have no idea what to expect, the one and only thing that I know is that it goes in a completely different direction to the other Halloween films, now I don't know if this just means the original, 2018 and Kills or the franchise on a whole but I'm interested to see what they mean. As with most Halloween films, I'm not expecting too much even though I'm looking forward to it, if I can give it a 7/10 then I'll be really happy
  4. No idea, its all German to me, the bill only came through today so yeah, its a recent one
  5. just a normal one via direct debit, I've only ever paid for gas and electric by DD
  6. Sorry, numbers have never been my strong point, but if I was £500 in credit as of July and I know that I have been paying the correct amount towards my bills are they saying that they are estimating that I'll spend the £500 credit with the additional £350 on top of that between now and Feb? If so that makes sense to me...kind of, like I say, I go full tard when I have to look at anything to do with numbers
  7. Thing is, I've been on a smart meter since March and I haven't spent any more than £60 a moth since it was installed and I was paying £65, I've since increased it to £85 so how can I be short if I'm constantly paying the correct amount?
  8. So I'm a little confused by my latest bill If I am £500 in credit and they are estimating that I am going to be spending £352 on energy between now and Feb, why the hell have my bills gone up...am I missing something?
  9. This thread actually makes me a little sad because I used to read 2 or 3 books a week before lockdown, as soon as I was working from home, I found it impossible to read after I finished work, I've started a few books since and often just lose interest halfway through. This is also a tough question because most of the books that I would consider favourites are from before 1970, I love Shirley Jackson, John Steinbeck and Vladimir Nabokov and people like that. After 1970....I dunno, The Exorcist is one of my favourite books of all time, I'd probably just have to throw in something like IT by Stephen King and maybe The Rats by James Herbert.
  10. He hasn't "filled out" he's just got fat from not running and being stuck on the bench constantly
  11. In all fairness this is the dude who is shagging her... I reckon you've got a chance
  12. What about the Craig David v Leigh Francis argument that has resurfaced today 20 years ago Leigh Francis made Bo Selecta in which he put on ludicrously bad masks and badly impersonated celebrities, the celebs ranged from Craig David, Mel B and Trisha to David Beckham, Ozzy Osbourne and Elton John. It was massively famous at the time and was constantly quoted in playgrounds, Craig David came out some time ago saying that the program was racist (I'm pretty sure that Trisha said the same thing) the around the time that there was all the George Floyd/BLM stuff going on Leigh Francis tweeted an apology where he tearfully said that he didn't realise how offensive it was and that he was on a journey of learning or some nonsense like that. Craig David hasn't accepted the apology and says that it was conveniently timed and that he hasn't seen Leigh Francis doing talks on racism and bullying or educating himself. So...what do we think of this then? I never watched Bo Selecta and the clips that I did see of it I always thought was painfully unfunny but never once did I think it was racist, and I still don't think it is. I think at the very most Craig David could accuse the show of being cruel or even encouraging bullying against him, this doesn't make it racist, what happens if Ozzy Osbourne turns around and says that he was brutally mocked over the very same program? Also, I'm sure that Craig David would have wanted him to apologise and now that he has he refuses to accept the apology, which makes the whole thing a little pointless. The apology came 2 years ago and Craig David for some reason is in todays papers bleating on about it again, I truly think in this case that it is a case of someone looking for racial abuse where there is none in an attempt to garner a bit of publicity for themselves as it is the only way for him to gain any attention from the media at all.
  13. He did an interview with IFL yesterday and addressed all of this, said something along the lines of they'll all be looked after but fights can be cancelled for a multitude of reasons at a minutes notice (injury, illness etc) and that he can't compensate every single one of them, there was no chance that the card could go ahead without the headline fight because they hadn't been given many tickets to sell themselves (usually they get a large portion to sell to family and friends) but due to the popularity of Jr v Benn they didn't bother giving the undercard fighters tickets to flog on their own. He was also asked about the people who paid for accommodation and what not and he said that while the fans will be fully reimbursed for their tickets he won't be getting into conversations via DM with Dave about his B&B that he had to pay for.
  14. Watched this last night, I have finally found a film that put me on edge and had me genuinely feeling uncomfortable. I am absolutely terrible with heights but it's weird because when I was a kid, they never bothered me at all, it was only when I was in my mid to late 20's that I realised that I am a massive pussy when it comes to looking over a ledge that it more than 10ft high. Fall certainly wasn't the best film ever, the beginning really annoyed me with the bird who was drowning in a pit of self-despair, I just didn't think it was done very well, she was pretty **** annoying, and so was her pal...what was her name...Dangerous D or sommet like that. Once the film got going and they arrived at the radio tower I was already feeling on edge, I was watching in bed and some scenes had my body tensing up and saying out loud "**** nahhhh" You have to completely suspend belief for the majority of the film and just take it for what it is for a lot of it, there are some ridiculous decisions, some unbelievable feats and some downright unlucky scenarios. The high point of the film (pun intended) was definitely the middle, the actual climb to the top and the first 10 or 15 minutes when they are at the very top, after that I think I had acclimatised to the sheer height that they had scaled, and I felt the tension dissipate after they had taken on some truly ludicrous jumps and stunts. One thing that I did think was interesting was that apparently there were over 30 F bombs in the film but when it was picked up by Lionsgate they used AI to alter the movement of their mouths so they could edit them out and make it into a PG rated film. Overall, suspend believe, embrace the stoopid decisions and you'll think that this is alright, it certainly isn't brilliant but it was good enough and for someone that doesn't like heights at all they managed to give me a touch of vertigo while lying flat in my bed
  15. I know that The Purge has always relied heavily on politics but The Forever Purge was just far too heavy handed to the point, it came out just after America was going into meltdown with the Trump/Racism shit being everywhere, it just didn't feel like a Purge film at all and the stereotypes were just too blatant, with the other films you could watch the film first and then ignore the politics and messages and just enjoy it for what it was, Forever Purge beat you around the head with the message to the point that was prioritized (poorly) ahead of the film. I know that The Purge isn't the greatest franchise ever, not by a long shot but they are enjoyable enough, I really enjoyed the 3rd film which I think was the most poorly regarded (before The Forever Purge)
  16. Yep, that's my point, despite me being completely neutral I can't find the real positive reviews on it even when I go hunting 100% I just thought it was interesting the sheer volume of hate that it is getting, I can't imagine it being worthy of the hate and going off the people on this site (who are more trustworthy than the paid reviewers) it is mediocre at best which is probably worse than it being absolutely terrible, to pump that sort of money into something and have 99% of the viewers just be completely apathetic towards it must be a real kick in the bollocks for them.
  17. That's the one, I've only seen it once and thought it was terrible
  18. Looks like all of the Purge films are being played on Sky Movies, just put it on at the end of the first film, this'll keep me entertained for a while, I actually enjoyed all of these films apart from the most recent one which was absolutely **** terrible
  19. OK, for some reason youtubes algorithm must think that I absolutely hate Rings of Power, I am constantly getting bombarded with videos saying how bad the program is, probably my fault as I've watched a few of them. I have just tried looking on the other side of YouTube for some positive reviews of the show and I can't find a single one, I actually struggled to find any that just said that it was mediocre. Regardless of how Amazon try to spin it, I can't see as though it has been anything other than a disaster for them, they can't have planned to pump this much money into it just for some people to say "meh, its alright" while the majority of the viewers seem to be hate watching it
  20. this has been a terrible F1 season, sooner it is over the better, hopefully someone will be able to give Red Bull some competition next time.
  21. Ricky Hatton, in between fights it was difficult to believe he could climb a flight of stairs let alone be a professional boxer challenging for world titles
  22. Yeah I get that, for every good there was a bad, but, that is a mahooooosive improvement on the absolute dross that hellraiser has served up, bang average is a pretty big **** win for this franchise
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