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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. Clint Eastwood Willie Nelson James Cordon Katie Price Eamonn Holmes
  2. Just a quick update, I can't recommend this amp highly enough, I've been playing my electric so much more often, I bought it initially for my bedroom while I'm (supposed to be) working but I've been using it pretty much exclusively, it is just so handy, it runs off 6 AA batteries and I've really hammered it since I got it 2 weeks ago and the batteries are still going strong (I've bought some rechargeable ones as well for when the initial set die) The sounds are fantastic for the little size, it is more than enough for 1 room and don't for a second think it'll be too quiet because for something so small it really does pack a punch, you can turn the volume up full blast and it doesn't lose any of the sound quality. I use the clean, crunch and brown sounds all equally and can't say that one is better than the other. It has a delay setting on it but this can double up as reverb if you put the time on minimum and the level up full and this sounds really nice, both my Les Paul and my Tele sound fantastic through it. For £100 if you want something to allow you to noodle away whilst watch Emmerdale Farm then this is a must have.
  3. Come on Argentina, Don't want these cheese eating surrender monkeys to win
  4. The sheer arrogance of Argentina to give France 2 goals just because Emi wants it to go to penalties
  5. I actually don't know anyone with a cat, there are 2 people at work that I was hoping were going to be in the office today so I could have mentioned it to them in the hope that they would offer to give me their cat box to get him sorted but alas, neither of them have turned up today. Me adopting him is out of the question, the landlord wouldn't allow it, not for a second, the fact that Theodore has came inside my flat a few times would be enough for him to do his nut in a big way.
  6. Cats protection has a recorded message saying to go to the RSPCA. I'm not a cat person at all but Theodore has really grown on me, it's genuinely upsetting
  7. So poor old Theodore isn't doing too well at all. Since I posted that back in September he has well and truly become my pal, almost every day he comes to my window and waits for me to give him some grub, I've known him to sit out there for 3 or 4 hours, he's only come inside a couple of times, he's a proper outdoor cat, but he's really affectionate, if I go outside to him he runs over and loves a load of fuss, he just doesn't like coming inside. anyways, about a week ago he came to the window and I assumed he'd been scrapping because his eye was all swollen, a few days later the swelling had gone down but it was really pussy and weepy, I saw him yesterday and now its badly bloodshot and is clouding over, looks like he's already gone completely blind in it. The problem is that he isn't actually my cat, I just feed the poor sod and I'm sure that he has a home because of the times that I see him, its almost as if he gets thrown out during office hours because I see him a lot more on weekdays than I do of a weekend. I have called the RSPCA and told them that I could get him inside my flat and they could send someone out but they just told me that I have gotta take him to a vet and then if the treatment is minor I've gotta go and pick him up and bring him back here again, now I don't drive and I don't have a cat box to shove him inside and I doubt if work would be too happy if I told them I'm just nipping out for half a day to take someone else's cat to the vets. They also pretty much said that if he isn't chipped and it is anything more than minor that they'd probably just put him down.
  8. Also it was Oasis that got me into The Beatles, Small Faces, Led Zeppelin, The Kinks, T-Rex and many more bands, yeah they ripped them all off but they were the reason that I started delving into all of the back catalogues of those bands. If Liam or Noel mentioned a band in an interview I'd go and seek them out.
  9. went to see them live twice, remember the first time I heard Live Forever, I was about 10 years old and thought "yep, I'm having that" loved the band up to Heathen Chemistry then lost interest in them. I still listen to them pretty often, if I am picking my guitar up for the first time in a few days then you can almost guarantee that it'll be an Oasis song that I start strumming just to warm up. I always preferred Ocean Colour Scene though.
  10. Had a family piss up last night, only just remembered that England played, the only thing I can recall is that Kane missed a penatly. Do we all hate Southgate still or did we bow out gracefully?
  11. Where I used to work there was an engineer named Pete Hunt, while typing something onto the system I somehow managed to mistype it and put Pete word removed, it ended up being a massive problem file that wouldn't go away for about 12 months, every time someone phoned up I'd ask what engineer was dealing and they would say "well....I have his name but I don't want to say it" immediately I would tell them I know the claim and that it was me that accidentally put Pete word removed He actually found out about it and approached me in the office one time, he came stomping over to me looking all angry and asked me about it, I burst out laughing and said it must have been a Fruedian slip, he laughed as well and thought it was rather amusing that people kept phoning him up calling him a word removed
  12. Nah I don't, my set up isn't great being in a one bed flat, it's a whole lot of faff getting my laptop into a position where I can hook it up to the amp
  13. Yeah after watching the videos online it really is a tiny thing, pretty much every reviewer starts off by saying "this is not a toy" It doesn't need to be loud as long as it sounds decent it'll be more than adequate for what I need. As for the Spark, I still love it, I don't dick about with the gimmicky shit aat all though, plug it in and select the sound I want and get on with it.
  14. Just ordered myself one of these Tiny little things but all of the reviews have been top notch. I still love my spark amp but this is purely going to be for when I'm in my bedroom working from home, its a ball ache moving the Spark backwards and forwards, I recently set up my old Marshall amp and I've been loving it but its too big (and loud) for when I'm working. This should be perfect and I know the Katana's have a great reputation. I'm actually giving my Marshall amp away which I'm pleased about because I've been thinking about just slinging it out for ages (the clean setting doesn't work so it can only be played with gain) my mate has just bought his first electric guitar and didn't think at all about an amp so he is going to take it off my hands until he is ready to upgrade it.
  15. I got up to 29 and got bored
  16. Our Emi would never take the piss, where on earth did you get that idea from?
  17. don't you just **** hate it when your cat walks across your keyboard while you are trying to type something
  18. nope, that's not what I was thinking about then
  19. if you are talking about who I think you are talking about then he isn't an Arsenal player and isn't with any of the world cup squads...I'm trying to be careful because I have no idea about what we can and can't say or speculate about
  20. Not saying that this is related to anything else and I'm merely posting it because it is about a world cup star World Cup & Premier League star arrested for 'rape' of woman in her 20s has bail extended until next year | The Sun
  21. Is this related to another story that has come out today about an unnamed premier league footballer?
  22. Thank god Amber Heard didn't send that message
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