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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. I wasn't very happy with his loan form and was actually pretty annoyed when we made it permanent
  2. My films for this weekend Bananabarian I didn't get to watching it the other day so that is a definite watch at some point today I didn't realise this was out yet (or maybe it isn't, but either way its available) I loved X, thought that it was brilliant, the fact that this was filmed alongside it makes me hope that Ti West knew exactly what he was doing and this will be of equal quality Last night I watched I'm currently reading Taking Shape which runs through in detail each of the Halloween films all the way up to Halloween 2018, I needed a refresher on Season of the Witch before I started reading about that one because its the one Halloween film I don't really pay any attention to.
  3. OK he says... $8/£5 a month on Patreon he doesn't have the time to dedicate to doing the show he wants to put more effort, better shows, entertaining, more informative, more tactical stuff, more bells and whistles and more importantly he has absolutely got to get to villa park before he dies. he doesn't think that he can call the show authentic until he's been to villa park and done a couple of live shows from there, gotten all that B roll and material and documented the trip...it'll be good for his soul, but he can't do it with all the other stuff he has to do. he wants to provide some streaming commentary from the games while he's there. he is basically asking for you to buy him a pint, that is something you would probably do already if you met him, buy him a pint every month (his words not mine). sounds like a **** cheek to me (my words not his)
  4. Anybody still watch this? Old Pete is moving exclusively to patreon and charging £8 a month for the privilege of watching his videos, he says the ultimate goal is to make it his full time job and to fund a visit to Villa Park, or something like that, anyways, how many of you will be paying? I know I won't be
  5. I think he already is to be fair, we haven't had anything like him for so so long, who was the last proper iconic horror villain? Ghostface? You are in for a treat
  6. Good man, I've been waiting for this, must have just been added today, I'm gunna put it on in a minute
  7. you've gotta admit though, the scene in the cafe was awesome wasn't it
  8. See the thing is with him, I used to catch the odd Stevie G video every now and again before he came to the villa and I thought they were pretty amusing. Then Stevie G came to the villa and I would see everyone that he released, and they got very boring very quickly, the odd thing would be amusing, mainly when he was ripping into Mingsy for being useless but the majority of them were terrible. Now I've just seen his Unai Emery video and my god, it is awful, I don't get how it is in any way supposed to be Emery to start with, it was actually pretty damn embarrassing
  9. I'd definitely recommend the first one...well its actually the second one (Art first came about in All Hallows Eve, another weird film and was played by a completely different actor, nowhere near as good but still worth seeing) The Terrifier 1 clearly has a much lower budget but man, they use it well, the shock factor is what carried this film, no one really knew who Art was and no one was expecting it to be as brutal as it was (once you have seen "that scene" you will understand) there is no plot at all, he's basically a mad ass killer clown hunting 2 girls. Turn your brain off watch it, enjoy it, be grossed out by it.
  10. oh man, I loved it, the soundtrack was one of the most prominent things for me, it expands on the story but is still very much left in the "what the **** is going on" territory, I think it'll take 4 or 5 films before his entire back story is properly fleshed out and I think that is exactly how Leone wants it, it'll keep the interest up. As for the gore and brutality...well...lets just say that Art the Clown is a bit of a bastard
  11. I love the fact that I am the same age as Ashley Young, it means that there is still hope for me to realise my dream of playing for a premier league team, I'm not too old yet, give him another 12 month contract
  12. I am on my way to getting **** mullered, I thought I'd have a few beers to numb the pain before the match started, then the match started and I started to remember how it felt to drink through sheer euphoria, match has finished and its a pre-meditated fall off the wagon for me, I've gone up the road got a load of beer in and I'm gunna wake up tomorrow with a thick head and work from home. usually I drink coffee and turn off after an hours
  13. did they really, lol, I didn't know that, well, they ain't gunna get much out of that are they
  14. not a fan of this, I'm **** bored, being 4-0 up is overrated
  15. Every time I read something like this I automatically think that people are talking about Lampard, stupid Thomas Frank having two first names and confusing me
  16. When do the Villa kick off? I thought it was 2pm but there is some other team playing in claret and blue, no idea who they are
  17. That is a winning starting 11 if every I've seen one
  18. Oh hellz yeah Curtains closed, got me a mega pint of tea and I'm about to settle down for this, can't wait for it, been looking forward to this one for absolutely ages, madness to think it was delayed by 2 years for the bat-flu
  19. I'm just about to put this on I heard really good things about it when it was first released but couldn't find it anywhere online and the bluray was about £15, spotted that it is on sky cinema now though so I'm gunna take a look
  20. It really was wasn't it, I've heard some people saying that they thought it was great, I struggle to see how that is the send off that Michael or Laurie deserved, after such a promising start with 2018 only to be given the mediocre Kills (which did have some really cool bits but was sidetracked by the entire "Evil Dies Tonight" nonsense) for them to somehow serve up Ends and expect the fans to lap it up. Everything about it was ham fisted, poorly explained, nonsensical and most of all just downright boring
  21. Does this Marshall actually get genuine KO's or are they more that the ref jumps in and stops it? She looks like she's lacking an awful lot of accuracy here, Shields is obviously the better technician, Marshall needs to stick something big on her soon
  22. Gives him a chance to hold a belt though doesn't it
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