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Everything posted by mottaloo

  1. Never liked him after his Ken Bigley "wish they'd get on with it" remark.
  2. Fair play to the players. Someone 100 yards away collapses,the players see it and don't shrug it off as a drunken stumble or similar; something they must see more than once in a while. Players focused on a corner yet still aware of what might be happening. Credit to them; perhaps they're not all selfish words removed ?
  3. She looks proper scary, like a Bond villain
  4. Hope these traore digs don't come back to haunt us
  5. Royster's steak bubble crisps, that aren't as crunchy but full of flavour
  6. That's simply asking for an "accidental" toe tredding at the bar, in my doc martens.
  7. Yeah, he seemed to be the "brains" of the bunch Once posted a video clip called "9 minutes of heaven" when they were 1 up at our place....think it became a dvd; a best seller ! But most of the drongos that followed him like sheep, desperate for a bit of fame on his videos looked really special, especially one moron who wore a black leather flat cap ! But that barge video.....you'd be hard pushed to find an uglier bunch of words removed unless at the Sty.
  8. Where was Troymendous Deeney to save them then ?! He'll be up broad street later, doing what he does
  9. I reckon the police should turn the water cannons on to the stinking crusties. Gets them blasted off the road AND they get a wash too. Or set the police dogs on them. If it's good enough for footy fans....
  10. Do you remember an obsessed ollbeeyun fan called Bev who wrote and sang "really funny and zany" ditties about his team and occasionally taking the mick out of us ? His tribute to Solomon Rondon ("they do Rondon Don, they do Rondon") was particularly underwhelming but call me Franksy waxed lyrical over them which only encouraged him
  11. Spoons in mere green, was it ? Hope your jogging bottoms were clean
  12. When the TTPYOTS thread turns in to the music thread. Again. Mate.
  13. Don't you mean "weessshhhht Cork", boi ?
  14. Clonakilty white pud is supreme ! One of those items that you're more likely to find in a random corner or farm shop over here. The farm shop in mere green sells it for about £4 a link
  15. OT but didn't Ronnie "Do you know who I am ?!" Pickering make a couple/few guest appearances, one I'm told was at a nightclub in Cov ? Can't have been a long career I would imagine...a repetitive joke that soon fell flat.
  16. In my days as a blazer boy on the corporate hospitality suites it was my job to fetch the sponsor's player of match over from the dressing room to the suite for a mini presentation. Merson once joked to me on the way that he was sick of baskets of fruit ! Rather that than the champers I guess...
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