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Everything posted by Genie

  1. Boris claiming that kids going back to school as some kind of win over Starmer. It’s obviously far too early to confirm if they are safe or not. Most have only been back 1-2 days. If in 3-4 weeks time all is well then fair enough... but if schools are closing left, right and centre due to outbreaks then he’ll look like a big(ger) idiot. Getting them to go is a piece of piss. Keeping them there is the tricky part.
  2. Utterly utterly pathetic. I really like Starmer, I realise he has some “history” but he seems to handling Johnson perfectly. Johnson going for something out of the Trump book of politics trying to get IRA sympathiser to stick to him, however irrelevant to the debate they are having.
  3. Can they find 50 people that want to go?
  4. I don’t like United but it would be hilarious if they were secretly agreeing terms with Messi and he signed for them. It would get them back for Tevez, and some.
  5. Genie


    It’s effectively price fixing, when the agent of the also represents both managers. Its a huge problem that needs to be addressed.
  6. Loads of footballers testing positive following their summer holidays. Adama Traore now.
  7. Remember all our goals and wins last summer... even Jota looked good.
  8. Neymar tests positive today, all bets off.
  9. Yeah that’s fine, might suit people looking to downsize too but I agree with the general sentiment.
  10. Maybe I’m reading it wrong but aren’t these contradictory? It certainly looks like removing stamp duty has pushed prices up (not that it was required but still). Are you stating that increase in prices is a negative (which I agree there is a case for)?
  11. Genie

    Matty Cash

    Nobody on this board knows how the negotiations went, what the start or end price was. I’d also be amazed if anyone would be keen on repeating the experiment of buying relatively unknown players from the Jupiler league.
  12. Genie

    Matty Cash

    I fixed it already It was auto correct thinking that Matty wasn’t a proper name.
  13. Genie

    Matty Cash

    Ah yes of course, because 1 rung up from Matty Cash is the greatest player to ever play the game.
  14. I caught a bit of PM questions earlier, Boris pushing the get back in the office line. He also said he changed his mind about meeting the families of those who have died from Covid-19 because they are in a litigation battle with the government and he’ll meet them once it’s all finished (yeah right).
  15. A house in my street has gone on sale at an outrageous price, I’d have said easily £30k-£40k over priced. If it sells I’ll be completely shocked. They were selling new for £355-£365k 2.5 years ago... just gone on sale for £425k. Madness.
  16. I wonder if Barca will go after Man City for tapping up their player. It’s a little bit more mud they can potentially sling.
  17. They have a ready made excuse in the pandemic for the economic collapse
  18. I suspected it was well down the road towards completion when Messi chucked in his resignation. He wouldn’t have done that unless it was pretty much a done deal.
  19. Genie

    General Chat

    So sorry to read the news about your father @Rob182.
  20. Expectations from him are pretty much zero aren’t they. I imagine it’s like that amongst the MP’s, expect nothing from him and then won’t be disappointed.
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