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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Konsa has lost the plot since Gerrard came in. I think that there's a problem with the new buys being on bigger money than some of the players that were previously doing great. McGinn, Konsa, Luiz, Traore have all regressed under Gerrard's management.
  2. Same here mate. I think Coutinho and Digne were Gerrard choices. Probably Chambers too.
  3. Strange player to be linked with when we have Buendia, Traore, Bailey who can play there. I thought Bailey had a decent game yesterday so don't understand if he's replaced by Sarr. Maybe he's thinking Sarr for wide left? A front three of Sarr, Watkins and Bailey seems quite good on paper who plays behind them? I'd play Coutinho there with a free role. Have two holding players behind him - Kamara and a new recruit.
  4. Results get managers sacked. Players are those responsible for getting those results. If he's gone in there acting like Billy big bollocks, and angered the players, it's inevitable that they will get him gone. They have three games that we'd be expected to lose coming up. They're like free hits to the players if the want to see the back of Gerrard. I wouldn't be surprised to see us lose by a couple to West Ham and then get battered in the next two. 3 points from 18 might (should?) be enough for him to be gone. Walsall lost 7 games in a row last season. They got a new man in and won the next two games, against the top two teams in their league. The new man fielded the same players and had no time to implement changes. That, for me, proved how players can get managers sacked. I think our lot probably don't like Gerrard's style of management.
  5. It concerned me when he swapped Targett for Digne at a big loss. The warning signs have come to fruition in his handling of Mings. I don't think Gerrard is up to the task of managing a Premier League club.
  6. I love John, I really do but, in my opinion, he didn't deserve the captaincy based on last season's performances Today, he was lucky not to be sent off. Now he has the captaincy, he needs to be top of his game.
  7. Yet, our manager says he doesn't know what more they could have done?
  8. Getting Kamara was a good move, as was Chambers for free and Carlos for that fee. However, Coutinho looks like he's done a mate a favour and is no better than our record signing that he's been ahead of and Digne, well, I just do not/did not see the logic in that one. We made a gross loss on a player that was a few years older and earning probably double the money of a player he appears to not be better than. I knew our style of play under Smith but, I have no idea what we are trying to do under Gerrard. I'm not sure he's the answer at all and cannot see us going far with him as manager.
  9. This was/is the problem. There was one occasion where Ramsey came deep to get involved and received the ball from Mings. He passed it square to McGinn who passed it forward looking for Kamara. I thought Kamara was the answer to our defence midfield problems? He was furthest forward of the three! Why didn't he make changes earlier? Why take off Bailey who looked lively? We need a new centre back in. It is abundantly clear, for three seasons now, that Mings and Konsa are not good enough as a pairing.
  10. I cannot help but sense racist and misogynist whenever I like that Souness. I hope Mings keeps his cool and doesn't entertain his bullshit.
  11. We should channel our inner metal heads in honour of being the birthplace of heavy metal. Black Sabbath all the way. Entrance music should be War Pigs and the fans could sing something like... Villans gather in their masses, To watch our lions kick your asses. Gerrard and Co give out instruction To oversee your team's destruction. On our field your bodies burning. A Villa win is what we're yearning. We're sending hatred to your kind. Three points for Villa on our minds. Oh Lord yeah.
  12. I've had achilles trouble for years - it bloody hurts. A ruptured tendon must be extremely painful. Hopefully, Carlos won't be out too long and, when he returns, it doesn't affect his game.
  13. Why bring Mings back? Admitting his mistake last week? Why drop Bailey? Why not Coutinho? Buendia did more when on so deserves to start now. Why send Kesler-Hayden out on loan? Most called it and surely he should've known that being the manager. Hopefully, Cash won't be out too long. I'm yet to be convinced he knows what he's doing. We change shape and team from game to game.
  14. Should be kept here fighting with Cash for the starting RB spot. Not just in case Cash gets injured but actually competing for the starting lineup.
  15. Imagine that'll go down well with Watford fans
  16. That's the easy way to look at our situation for any Villa fan, really. If you'd have asked at the end of last season; would the signings of Kamara and Carlos make such a difference to our starting eleven, not many people would have been satisfied with that. I wasn't! Now, we need to see if more are added before the end of this transfer window. Personally, I think the owners are balancing the books because of the stadium refurb. Hopefully, they can still raise enough money to bring in another one or two starters before the window shuts. Otherwise, I don't see us finishing much higher, if at all, than last season.
  17. Spot on mate. Agenda or not aside, against Bournemouth, we needed Mings' aerial presence. They had Mepham, Moore and Billing who were huge aerial threats to us. If Mings can't get a game against relegation favourites who will he be picked for?
  18. Kamara looks like a good passer of the ball and one who can move forward with it but, is he the answer to our defensive midfield requirement? Personally, I'm not sure. Not just because of yesterday or pre-season, because of watching videos of his performances at his previous club. He just looks like the man who should be getting it off the DM and driving the team forward. I'd like to see us still sign a proper, big unit, DM.
  19. I didn't like Gerrard as a player. I thought he was a runt. I was - and still am - willing to give him chance as a manager for us. I felt that he may be able to attract bigger name players and that seems to be the case. But, does he really have Villa at heart or is it just a job to him? Sorry to harp on about Smith but I at least felt that with him he would never take us for granted and always do what he felt best for our club. It was part of his DNA and he brought the pride back for me. With Gerrard, we've opened the door to bigger wages and I fear that if it all goes pear-shaped we will be left with crippling wages again that holds us back. Have those wages affected the players already here? Has the team spirit been broken? The feel good factor certainly seems to not be as strong as when Smith was here.
  20. He's have to be a complete imbecile to let Kesler-Hayden go on loan. Who is back up to Cash then? Chambers, Konsa, Young? Square pegs in round holes if you're trying to make your right back play like Trent Alexander-Arnold. Some of his decisions baffle me. Coutinho clearly isn't working where he wants him to play. Why not give him a free role behind a lone striker and play wide attackers on both sides? Bailey and Buendia out wide with Watkins down the middle. A middle three of Coutinho, Kamara and one other, probably gotta be McGinn.
  21. This is how I see it. Gérrard attracted bigger named players that maybe Dean Smith couldn't attract. Are those "bigger" names any better than what we had playing there? Is Digne that much better than Targett? or Coutinho that much better than Buendia? We wait to see whether Carlos is better than Mings or Kamara is better than say Luiz or Nakamba. The manager will be on bigger wages and so probably are his backing staff. Coutinho and Digne will have certainly been out on much bigger money than other starters and who knows what we're paying Kamara and Carlos. Is there an overall gain? I mean, do we sacrifice attracting bigger named players for the increase in wage bill if there's no overall improblvement on the pitch in terms of results/league position? Also, we've seen a regression in Watkins, Buendia, Konsa. Did we really look so creative in pre-season that our manager couldn't see a shortfall there? Was Mings really much worse than Konsa last season? Why did it take so long to make changes today? We regressed in the first 10 minutes of the second half. Surely he could have made changes earlier with 5 subs now available and being a goal down? I'm not saying Gerrard isn't the man but, I've not seen enough so far to say that he is.
  22. Surely we our net spend we have not finished buying in this window? We seem to be stacked in the centre of midfield but, for me, there is still room for someone who can play out wide. We have Coutinho, Buendia, Bailey and Traore who can do that but three of them seem to prefer to play narrower and one who is inconsistent and who seems to be not too fancied by Gerrard. I think the perfect fit would be Jonathan David, like a few others have mentioned. He can play wide or down the middle.
  23. I agree with you mate. The others aren't playing great so he will be getting a chance unless they up their game. When he does, it's up to him to take it.
  24. Don't worry mate, we are never never never signing him.
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