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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Tuchel will probably go to Leipzig. If Potter goes to Chelsea, who would we then go for if Gerrard departs anytime soon?
  2. What we're they thinking when they loaned Kesler-Hayden out? Cash has been terrible lately. Ashley Young was far better than him when he came on.
  3. There was a moment when he came back to help Cash out of a mess only for Cash to clear it straight to a Man City player, much to his frustration. He showed a professional attitude after nearly leaving the club a few days ago.
  4. Tonight, they showed stats that priced Kamara to be our best midfielder already. He needs help in there. McGinn is a gjost of his previous self so we simply have to play Luiz alongside Kamara.
  5. One question was answered tonight, the players are playing for him. They must be otherwise they'd have lost as that was an easy three points to throw for them. With regards to team selection and tactics, I thought he was right from the off except for McGinn. But, he saw what we saw (finally) and took him off. However, putting Coutinho on is just embarrassing. Little Phil has clearly no heart for us and was appalling. He looks like he's running through mud. His head is always down. He just looks a million miles away from what we want and I wish Gerrard would wake up to that. Hopefully, we can kick on from this. But, I fear tonight was just a plaster put on a gaping wound.
  6. Konsa has gone as a player. Totally lost the plot and needs to be dropped. His dip in form is almost as puzzling as what's happened to John McGinn. He's gone from fans singing his name to cheering when he's subbed. Where has he gone? It's like his arse has been abducted by a superior species. Gerrard got a response tonight, a response that I thought was impossible. They answered the question about playing for hk. So all we can assume is the players aren't comfortable playing his tactics? Sort that out and he should be OK.
  7. I meant a BIG company but was missing a G. Hopefully, after tomorrow's feared thrashing, we will be missing a G too!
  8. I'll be there courtesy of an invite from a bi company that has a box down the Villa. I'll be giving him dogs abuse if we lose and he is still here.
  9. The only way I see him being here on Monday morning is if we put up a fight on Saturday and go down by a goal or two rather than get the slaughtering I and most other Villa fans are fearing. If we get tanked tomorrow and they keep faith in him for the Leicester game they better hope he wins that or that defeat will be laid at the board's feet.
  10. I spoke with a guy today who turned out to be a Villa fan also. He told me that a couple of weeks back he spoke with one of the younger players at the club and asked him about the decision to strip Mings of the captaincy. He claims that the lad said that the players weren't happy about it and thought it was a strange decision as all the players respect and look up to Mings. He said that when Mings spoke the players listened - all of them. He said nobody could believe the decision and that the players aren't supporting the manager and some have turned against him because of his tactics and team selection.
  11. We have lost Grealish, Trezeguet and Traore who all played out wide. We've replaced them with Bailey, Coutinho and Buendia. On paper, other than Grealish, you would be right in saying we have upgraded. However, the three replacements are more like inside forwards than wingers. Also on paper, we should be getting a whole lot more from those replacements. Knock Trez and Traore as much as you like but they contributed more on the occasions they were playing in the team than any of their replacements have so far.
  12. Coutinho looks miles off a Premier League player right now so shouldn't be near the starting lineup. Buendia should play but out wide as he isn't strong enough to hold the ball against the bigger players he faces through the middle. With those in mind I would play something like this from now on: ----------------------Martinez--------------------- Cash-----Chambers---Mings----Digne -----------Dendoncker------Kamara--------- Bailey-----------------Luiz------------Buendia ------------------------Watkins---------------------
  13. The stadium rebuild development and the fact I might be able to get a season ticket to watch us in the Championship. 46 game season's represents better value for money
  14. When someone throws a cabbage at you surely there is no surviving that?
  15. How bad will the defeat have to be on Saturday for him to go? 5? 6? 7? You can tell how bad it is when Bournemouth have only scored in one game and that was against us and, we were the first team West Ham scored against. I'm dreading the scoreline on Saturday.
  16. All I can think of is the comments that Gerrard made after pre-season games when he praised Iroegbunam, Kesler-Hayden and Archer and said how they've given him selection problems etc. Now, he's loaned two out and the other seemed close and gets a few minutes here and there.
  17. Hardly surprising when he played a more advanced midfield role before coming to Villa.
  18. I agree with those saying we should have tried to buy a defender rather than loan one. We need someone to replace Mings and Konsa so might as well have gone for one of the replacements now.
  19. Buy Gerson to play centre mid with his mates from the French league, Kamara and Sanson, then go get Sarr to play wide left then play Watkins down the middle with Bailey wide right and we may have a chance.
  20. If that's Gerrard's tactics, have you got one of someone trying to push through the huge crowds on black Friday to get a TV on the cheap? Just asking for Lange, Purslow and co.
  21. Villa now linked with Gerson from Marseille according to SSN. Plays centre mid or left mid. Scored 9 and assisted 7 from 35 games last season. 25 year old Brazilian. Lazy journalism on D-Day or possible to make it happen to pair up with old teammate Kamara?
  22. He's eager to play alongside his fellow countryman, Matty Cash.
  23. Anyone think we might go for Dan James? A bit of pace out wide?
  24. The ball has - the players were still in our box.
  25. This is interesting! I checked back a while and found that in the 2019/2020 season Villa were, you guessed it, bottom again. Guess which Villa player ran the most over the whole season? You may have guessed it, Mr Aston Villa himself Jack Grealish. There is a Villa player on the books who actually set our standard for running the most in a single game that season. A player that seemed revitalised by Gerrard only to be unused since his injury - Marvellous Nakamba. He ran over 11km against Watford. The player who ran the most in a single game that season is now apparently on our shopping list - Leander Dendoncker. He ran over 13km in a single game. Interesting! The player who ran the most over the course of the whole season was our main target before last season started - James Ward-Prowse. Maybe Smith could see the problem too. We need a new manager in to stabilise us. This season is already about preserving our place in the Premier League. That new manager needs good analytically minded people with him and they need to target getting the likes of Konsa, Mings, McGinn, Luiz, Coutinho, Bailey out of the club and replacing them with more energetic players who have more fight in them. Preferably ones who can protect a football and pass it to players wearing the same shirts.
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