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Everything posted by Oaks

  1. Indeed we've just pocketed a much needed £8 million to reinvest. It's Delph who's lost out millions signing that deal, he was leaving for free.
  2. Probably not the best for Delph and McFc to stitch him up, but they really don't give a shit.
  3. There's still a part of me who hope he can rebuild his career in 2016/17.
  4. Footballers are thick as shit ain't they.
  5. If (and it's a big if) he's changed his mind, it's worse than if he went before.
  6. Because thats what we are as a club . I have been saying for ages and got roundly criticised as well but we are a feeder club So are about 16 Premier League clubs to be fair. I would say 17.
  7. All i will say is that Benteke obvously reads the stuff about himself on Twitter. I doubt Liverpool and their fans are quite at attractive as before.
  8. If so then we have the best marketing department in the world. They didn't even mention a takeover and you claim that it increased season ticket sales. Amazing. And if you bought a season ticket only because of a rumored takeover...you're an idiot.
  9. I think we need to sell Benteke to take us forward.
  10. It seems my feeling around the keeping situation was correct.
  11. I think people are doing this way too much. Reading into things that probably give no indication whatsoever of an impending takeover. Maybe, i know nothing, I think like nearly 100% of this thread I'm thinking out loud.
  12. I do like him he's a top bloke, but he's been awful in pretty much every job since he left Chelsea.
  13. The keeping situation more than any would suggest lack of takeover.
  14. Oaks

    Brad Guzan

    The goalkeeping situation more than anything tells me we are no closer to a takeover.
  15. Man City have **** is quite a bit since their takeover.
  16. Graeme bailey (sky sports northern reporter and boro fan) saying on twitter boro would only offer 1 year deal and stoke are offering longer It's all about the money then. He must enjoy life as a part time keeper. I've never been a fan, I always thought he was overrated at his peek, and I'm glad he's gone. But he's never said a bad word about anyone at the club...and I genially think he's a good guy. I wish him well. Awful transfer though.
  17. I thought he might have gone somewhere where he would play. I'm quite shocked.
  18. I think you might be right Stevo, but mainly because we become engaged with the drug dealers D, Wallace and Bodie as well and Stringer and Avon. The characters at first weren't as engaging and well acting in the second season wasn't as good and Ziggy was just annoying. I'm still 1,4,3,2,5...but it might change as I continue to watch again.
  19. I've only watched series 2 of the wire once, I didn't like it, but I'm watching it again 6 years on, I'm enjoying it now.
  20. Terminator Genisys was just a horrible mess. I thought the premise looked good, but they couldn't pull it off.
  21. Rumour has it Lerner turned the Chinese deal down.
  22. I will keep an eagle eye on this one...
  23. Oaks

    Top Gear

    Yeah. I just couldn't put my finger on what it was... There was an elephant in the room.
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