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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. Are the club honestly saying they couldn't make room for a player who knows how to see out a game, the very skill you need when the going gets twitchy next year? Not just that, the man was more than pulling his weight. He would have been on the short list for the player of the season in our best one in a decade too. I'd love to know the truth behind this one!
  2. I'd guess this was contract related considering the timing, with 2 years left. I wouldn't be surprised if he were here when the window closes. If we are really interested in selling him I'd guess some kind of swap deal would be the best way, his name still carries a lot of weight.
  3. Get the point but moreno was a complete unknown, so we wouldnt have been able to tell.
  4. Not a big enough jump from Bailey to warrant the signing for me....tbh I'm not sure he's better. I want a wow signing here, Torres or Williams.
  5. Carlos starts on the right for me. Has all the attributes needed, pace height strength and a good pass.
  6. Good, the feeling will still be nice and fresh so he can get the send off he should have been allowed.
  7. Moreno is the other big one definitely out
  8. Usually they do a tiered priced system where you can get a year of underage games included
  9. Nigel

    Matty Cash

    It will be a back 3 pretty much, but he is quick for a big man. The more I think about it he's pretty perfect for the role. I think cash will then be used when we need to open up.
  10. Nigel

    Matty Cash

    I have a feeling we are going to see Diego on the right.
  11. Don't concede a goal the entire tournament yet give the best player gong to a winger who scores a couple of goals...go figure!
  12. Its highly unlikey NATO will let Ukraine in that quick, if at all. Its far too aggressive to Russia. Far more likely is that they will have their army kept up to NATO standards with continued training and finances.
  13. That's the only reason I'm not balls deep in optimism
  14. Yes, but is the age taken into consideration? Edit...ignore me, looks like he was 20 when he moved to city so wouldnt be considered to have come through their ranks
  15. Wouldnt Torres be home grown because of his city days?
  16. I can definitely see Zaha here by the end of the window. Free transfer, quality player and Emery loves him.
  17. No attacker will want to score against these beautiful people!
  18. So let me understand this...there are people among us that have gone through every team in the league working out which feet the defenders prefer?
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