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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. Nigel

    Cameron Archer

    Hes scaring the hell out of the Germans, he really knows his game at this level
  2. Nigel

    Cameron Archer

    Its no exaggeration to say he could have scored 3 in this opening 5 minutes
  3. It has to be said that Mings has been a better player once the role got taken off his plate, where Mcginn seems to have done the opposite. Id keep Meatball there as not to rock the boat again needlessly. Mings could take the club captain thingy off young.
  4. I wonder if they will go for the one which will bring 3 squillion fans with him?
  5. I'm not sure what it means for the deal but the club could save some face here doing a repeat of the acorns deal for the coming season. ...fingers crossed!
  6. Get acorns back for the rest of the season!
  7. Surely it doesn't matter where putin runs to, if Moscow is overrun there will be serious questions as to who is in charge ...thats civil war at least!
  8. Still think it's a bit ridiculous he's at this tournament, he's been playing so long now he's almost a veteran!
  9. Both him and mings will always hold a special relationship with our fanbase because of when they joined us. It shows just how good signings they were at the time when you consider they are still among our best players now.
  10. So we are discussing players? I think his idea of 'not messing around ' and mine differ.
  11. When our targets are so elite its going to be like this.
  12. Anyone outside of an 80's cartoon uttering the phrase 'Here we go' needs an instant wedgie!
  13. Maybe they could come up with someone to use as a make weight.....
  14. I think thats a prerequisite of anyone buying out a contarct over there.
  15. Not fussed with early hard fixtures...get em out of the way
  16. Probably because the draw is made first...then the alterations made individually. Ie we could have originally drawn to play Newcastle at home in the first draft.
  17. How the mighty have fallen...this time last year we were having our giggles about Arsenal! Purslow out!
  18. Anyone outside of that very top tier would be all for it, that includes Chelsea; Not even Boely wants to compete head to head with a countries wealth. Even if the limit is set this high, it is a limit. Who knows what could happen to costs if you have 3 countries fighting for the same players.
  19. I don't think our model of making money is going to rely on selling our best assets. Far more likely it will be the likes of Archer, Tim and the likes, similar to Chelseas model.
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