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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. Born early 70's Loved the 80's Middle 90's was the best though, everything seemed to be maxed out. Tin Tins every week by New Street.
  2. If I was a betting person which I am, there is life in Europa. Reasons I think this are :- Its got a right wicked name. Gets stretched a lot so the ice in the core melts and re-forms under extreme pressures. Life starts in places like this, look at earth.
  3. Read all 3 hunger games book. Really enjoyed all 3. Top books.
  4. I am on Season 2 Ep3....long way to go but glad I saved it for this time of year.
  5. I have had enough bad news today, I feel like crying now.
  6. I am torn between wanting it to go really well for the athletes but I want it to go horribly wrong for Cameron and his little friends in front of billions. I suppose I can't lose really.
  7. Films are great in the way they can totally split opinion in such a black and white way. I could not stand Drive at all and I gave it a 5 on IMDB.
  8. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. This is not the thread you are looking for.
  9. Thanks for help ....its gone then. I'll make a new one.
  10. I knew I would get nailed for this question.
  11. I have spent an hour trying to find a thread I started a while ago. It was the thread called "Built something, first public look" or close to that. I really can't find it anymore as I have a nice update to it. (Its a thread with a star wars ship in it). Do threads get deleted after a time or am I been a bit thick with the search ? If someone gets a minute and finds it could you let me know how >?
  12. Caravans only travel between 1.00 am and 5.00 am Same for lorries over 30 tons. Illegal to drive kids to school. People can be fined for just stopping on pavements for no reason. The luggage allowance on planes should take into account the size of the person (120 kg fat slag = 300 extra Eur's for Luggage) If you can't read and write you cannot claim any benefits at all (unless disabled etc) If Police break the law the sentence should be doubled and no solitary in prison. If a banker breaks the law for example their sentence (years inside) should be based on their assets also. 10 M in the bank, add 10 years.
  13. I've thought the same abotu sitcoms. I honestly think if I put my mind to it, I could write a show that gets on BBC3 Create a thread and we can all work on it in a collaborating type way. I am sure each of us has a funny type thing to add in at the right time.
  14. It's a bit like comparing bullets of different sizes, they effectively all kill you but with different names. They are all as bad as each other, the fact that more than 1 exists tells us what we need to know about Bod...I mean god.
  15. It's too late then, kids are brainwashed by their so called parents long before they enter school. To prey on the young and defenseless like this is horrible but expected as they are the only humans on the planet that will believe them, sad but true. Are we not all guilty by letting this happen every day to kids around us?
  16. I disagree, it should be called the God particle. This is a very big nail in the weird and odd world of religion and faith. Keep calling it the god particle and it might catch on, this exists and is real for one which is a slight improvement on 100 % made up.
  17. I meant the collider they were using was too small, my powwers of simple communication are leaving. I know what you mean though, its around for no time (Plank time ???)
  18. The master equation needs this in it to work perfectly, now this is virtually confirmed then the equation can be used to work out everything to do with particles and how they react / move / change, it's a very small but important part of the jigsaw of the universe. This is the last piece we needed to work it all out, especially things like matter and why it exists like it does. Really great news and I was sure they would never find it, they spent years looking for it at another collider in the US but this was too small I suppose.
  19. Well I think we find out today if they found it, pretty excited I am.
  20. I read a book about this recently and it took apart the master equation and then put it together again. I sort of got it in the end (sort of) but you need to split it it up into smaller checks to have a chance. Basically it shows how all the particles interact with each it other (I think there are 12 or 13). The problem was that the h in the equation was this higgs which must exist or the equation does not really work but they need to see it for the thing to be accepted as theory. It's the most amazing thing I have read about and I am continuing reading about it.
  21. Have you read 'a brief history of time'? It's on my list, I thought this would be a good book to read before that one. I read his biography last month (Hawking) so I am quite looking forward to 'a brief history of time' but I wanted to be at least a bit armed with some prior knowledge. (I am reading the Hunger Games currently as I needed a easy read after the E=mc2 as that book really is 2 pages forward 1 back or you will just not get it.)
  22. Don't worry, everyone says that to me. It's like this (as far as I know) , Vinci got things to work, Einstein tells us why they work.
  23. Just finished "Why does E=mc2" by Brian Cox. Brilliant book if you like that sort of thing, by the end of it I actually got hold of the concept and I understand a lot more. The universe is an amazing place and I appreciate its brilliance even more now. Its all a lot deeper than the equation and the book explains everything. I now understand why the LHC is so important and if they find the little fella (Higgs) the world will probably change as our understanding of how things work will go through the roof.
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