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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. Calm down, I meant there is no relegation or price for being shit over there. There is a big price to pay over here.
  2. 100% Agree, he or nobody else would do what he has done on purpose. He is just out of his depth and probably thought English sport was similar to US sports, it's not and he has found out the hard way. I am however encouraged by the comments in that they can be viewed as a goodbye. We don't get much out of him and as some have said, we know all of what he said anyway, he knows that we know so there was no need to say anything. If it is a goodbye and if we get passed to someone good then it will be a happy summer for me.
  3. I think it was something along the lines of the truth. If he just stated the facts as they are then that alone would cause the falling out.
  4. Agreed, They came, they saw, they advised and they **** off. The Sale thing is bolox, who is going to buy this for anything more than the value of the buildings needs a lobotomy. It is not a viable business and any due diligence performed by a prospective buyer will show this. **** me, what next, the Doug Ellis stand is 90 % asbestos ? To be honest, this is going to sound bad but.... maybe like any drug addict or someone suffering severe mental illness. We need to hit rock bottom before things can get better. We are nowhere near that yet. The refusal of the supporters to buy season tickets next year on masse is an option. Puts us in the driving seat and until **** face c0ckwobble lerner **** off the business is not viable. It will mean picketing VP and if the avfc website kept getting a DOS then this would be unfortunate also. I was heartbroken but now I think we need to fight. He is having a laugh, there are kids who have been going down the Villa with their dads just like I used to do that have hardly ever seen us play well or win a **** game, this is not good enough.
  5. Says it all really. The root cause of the apathy is IMO, it is nothing like the club I grew up with from the 70's. It's like a weird version that's gone through a filter, in many ways we are noi different to small heath in many ways now. Just another shit midlands club where I am confident we will never get back to where we want to be, maybe we will be sold but the damage to the brand is basically forever. When we were relegated last time I was heartbroken, this just feels like someone needs to turn the life support off.
  6. I am not sure that is correct. I just turned up in Holland in 2001, got a job, no questions asked. I am sure that if you have an EU passport, in theory the whole of Europe can turn up in a country if they want and there is nothing anyone can do.
  7. Why would any manager want to come to the Villa at the moment ? It's totally toxic on and off the pitch. Its not as if we are just unlucky to get relegated. I doubt any good manager will want to come to us. There is always a bit of a manager merry go round, I can be quite confident no one of any stature is waiting to get on this particular football club. I can say I want him or I cant believe we have not X,Y or Z but look at it from the outside, what the **** have we got to offer ? We have 2 or 3 players that should wear the shirt again with a chairman determined to make it as difficult as possible to even achieve the status Que. I think we need to be realistic, get any of the above mentioned managers would be amazing but without the use of rohypnol or something in the meeting they are not going to even consider us IMO. Don't forget the illogical owner, less wages but I want results to improve is the base to work from. We are no different from a struggling Leeds or Bolton these days, the European nights are a distant memory. Just don't get your hopes up is all I am saying.
  8. Is it becasue as some of your muscles relax your brain sends out an urgent message just to make sure parts of you are not dead, I am going into too much detail here I know.
  9. I think that's correct, I always thought that the Mcleish appointment was our attempt at, hmm how can I put this. Moyes is Fergie LITE, Mcleish is Moyes LITE. I could see what he was trying to do with Mcleish but ultimately it was a bad decision. In the Villa's defence we have never been that lucky with things like that. Someone gets Venglos, someone gets Wenger.
  10. Just started playing it, level 9. I absolutely love the game.
  11. We can say that about everyone connected with the Villa or rumoured to have been contacted. It can however be proven either way though, Mourinho got sacked after winning the league, if in last summer someone asked you would he get sacked a few months after the league started I suspect, based on history you might have said no chance. Turn that around, if the Villa tried to sign Vardy last summer they would have got hammered. People in football are like shares, previous performance means nothing. Leicester prove this I think, Albrighton assists and crosses are totally different from when we had him. Do you see what I mean ?
  12. They are Tories so they don't need to worry about silly things like this, that's why they are what they are to have no worries about money or getting caught. You have to admire the sheer hypocrisy of Cameron and the fact that he can and will keep a straight face, we are "all in it together remember". They have many minions working the wheels at the moment to make it all go away I suspect.
  13. It must be a block it out thing as you say, I get scared for them if that makes sense. My old man was hit on his and he has quite a lot of metal and screws in his leg 50 years later just becasue of someone turning right and not looking.
  14. Coincidences, I love them and hate them at the same time. My daughter lives in Australia and she is engaged to a right good Aussie bloke who is 29. Last Autumn his younger brother (24) was riding his motorbike with a mate on the back. Loses it and comes off, both dead. Fast forward 6 months, his 1st cousin (20 ish) on motorbike, loses it, hits tree, dead. I don't know anyone who died but my Daughter and the Aussie are obviously gutted. What are the chances though and why the f**k would you continue riding a motorbike when your cousin and his mate are dead from one. I understand the attraction but if you are from a family for e.g where you all love motorbikes, at what point in you life do you give them up, just before you are sitting at a dinner table on your own or when there are a few of you left ? I will never let my granddaughter ride one, she is 3 now but this is one of the things that (genuinely) gives me nightmares. I have a bank account for her and there will be more than enough to buy a new car for her when she is car / bike riding age. only I can get the money out as well :-)
  15. Or, they are good enough but we are not getting the best out of them. They are not and cannot all be rubbish & as we have seen before, we will offload players that some how perform better at their new clubs. I just have a feeling that we have to give some of them the benefit of doubt here, wee consistently have groups of players where we have, with a straight face had mcleish, houlier, garde & sherwood to name but a few. We cannot seriously think that this lot had anything but a negative effect on the club from the top down. We probably had within the organisation, high flying executives or sales team members working for the club who went from being super professional like Margaret Mountford from the apprentice to Mrs Overall from Acorns Antiques seemingly overnight. I suspect some of the playing staff have gone this way. Add to this, the coward like lack of spend in January means nobody gave them a chance to get out of it, including our own board. Imagine if you direct line manager went from good to the equivalent of what happend down the Villa. Whoever comes in, just keep it simple. Build it from the back starting with getting the very very best goal keep we can and start from there.
  16. I agree with the Moyes thing and in theory you are correct, BUT we seem to have a thing at the Villa since the late 90's where we buy players, hire mangers / coaches and they perform way, way below the standard they had previously set. Moyes should have come through the last few years with new ideas and he must have learnt from his mistakes along the way but i am still nervous becasue of the above. We have some of the best training facilities in Europe yet we can't pass or even score at the moment. Dunno, I am just worried and I hope you can see what I mean, we have the total opposite of the midas touch, I don't know what that is but we have got it bad, like riddled with it, like bad aids or something. Maybe a year in the Champ. will get rid of it as we will win a few games and Villa Park will wake up from its coma.
  17. How far have we fallen, look at the list of names. FFS. ..and look at it from the outside, why would anyone take it on in all seriousness. With all the derbies next season I doubt we will come straight up either and every home game for us is wembley for all the others + we need to buy a complete new squad. It's early and I am on the train to work (next to the Ajax Stadium)....bit **** fed up with it all tbh.
  18. Music in underground parking garages. words removed. How about making it cheaper and take your shit speakers and your "now that's what I call words removed" collection and **** off.
  19. I just want someone who can work with and deliver the vision that will be supplied by the new board. This is very important and if they can't do this they are not for me. We need stability and steady growth so Moyes seems a good fit but with limited funds and a squad full of the very worst the prem league has to offer in terms of effort. skill and desire the reality is that we will struggle short term no matter who the manager is. I doubt there is a club that has made so many shit manager appointments in a row. I have more confidence that there is a least 1 player on the board who i deeply respect but as history has shown us that we can pull shit decisions from anywhere at the moment.
  20. You could be right, ISIS, Trump, Syria, Paris and Brussels to name a few. All the planets are lining up so to speak. IF Trump gets in and IF Isis attack US soil for example then we have a problem. He should and will retaliate but how and with what is the question. He will go bigger than anyone before as his ego dictates that course of action IMO. The UK has a weak and D-mob happy Prime Minister only interested in his legacy of European Union connections and the referendum. Add to the the 1000's of terrorists returning from Syria which Europe seems to think they are all harmless with terror plans then we have an interesting Summer on the cards. Maybe it's time for an ultimatum, next ISIS attack on European soil X will happen. We react to things after they happen, put the ball in their court for a change. What X is, I have some ideas.
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