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Everything posted by calcifer

  1. Wait for his media pals to rally around him once he finally gets the push, they will say he wasn't given the funds, not given time, fans are fickle blah blah...
  2. Look good teams but 1 glaring issue, no McGinn, he is Gerrard's crown Jewel, he wont drop him
  3. I think if Gerrard continues with this formation with McGinn and Ramsey in midfield , City will walk through our midfield and we will get battered, could be 5-6 at least, kept Haaland my FPL captain! He needs to change it up, it is not working.
  4. I dont think we will with Gerrard in charge, we have no identity, no tactics, no midfield (with Mcginn and Ramsey together) The team play like 11 strangers. Stick with Gerrard and we go down, if they stuck with him in the championship he would probably relegate us from that as well!!
  5. Think he is locked in someone's basement?
  6. Would you want to stay here if you had to keep sitting on the bench while McGinn kept putting in crap performances? Something us going on behind the scenes hence the reason he is staying. Villa must be fairly confident he will pen a new contract? They wouldn't risk letting him go for nothing?!
  7. Kiss of death, fully expect him to get a bad injury now and be out for the season, it's the Villa way!!
  8. He is on his way to look him in the eye to tell him he is ready to sit in the bench and watch a master at work like McGinn
  9. Probably going to be this set up while Gerrard is here. Great news that Luiz is staying, maybe he has been told Gerrard won't be here much longer?!
  10. Ditto! I thought the fee needed to be agreed 1st?!
  11. Him picking the soap in the showers before Steve comes in....
  12. Yeah, pretty much what the lad i work with said. Jesus the though of him and McGinn in the middle of the park. May as well play with 9 men!
  13. This is my worry, we thought the club was building a solid foundation to build on after the Lerner/Xia years. Years of mismanagement, but Gerrard has come in with no tactical knowledge, he said himself that Beale was the brains. So we are just rudderless with him in charge!
  14. We make a lot of opposition players look good!
  15. If it was us he would be on loan to a Turkish side and sold for nothing.
  16. Wolves fans think he is garbage and are happy to have got a fee for him!
  17. Unless he drives down to Arsenal and forces a move - remember Peter Odemwingie and QPR
  18. Maybe looked Gerrard in the eye, saw he was a fraud and thought nah.
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