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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. ‘No deal’ doesn’t resolve the problem of the Good Friday Agreement which has been the sticking point for May’s negotiations.
  2. Funny how female accuses of sexual assaults should be believed sometimes but not others.
  3. The World Cup holds a lot of weight in the award though. It’s no coincidence the two winners were the star players from each team from the final. It will be back to business as usual next year.
  4. The ghost of Sepp Blatter lives on.
  5. She called out the Australian Prime Minister recently about a smutty joke he made about her.
  6. A ‘People’s vote’ on the three options would need a transferable vote (the same way Australia runs elections for the lower house). The voter ranks the three options 1, 2, 3 (nice and easy to understand). When the votes are counted the option with the fewest number 1 votes gets those votes transferred to to voters second choice. Then you are left with a clear preference from the electorate with no issue about a vote being split.
  7. LondonLax


    An honest bunch of lads?
  8. Players like him are why you pay good money to watch football (or get up at 4.30 in the morning to catch a dodgy stream).
  9. Anyone got a gif of him sambaing down the touch line towards the end there?
  10. Good driving run to help set up the third goal.
  11. I also think a commanding experienced keeper is important for directing the defenders in front of him. We don’t have Terry directing things in there anymore, I would like to see a keeper who could help with that role.
  12. I don’t find it very funny
  13. The obvious counter position would be that if you didn’t want to leave the EU you shouldn’t have triggered article 50. You can see the EU position. They have to spend a lot of expense negotiating when it is triggered. If it can then be revoked unilaterally it holds no real weight. Countries can use it at a whim as a negotiating tactic, holding the rest of the EU to ransom. My opinion is that the triggering was the act of leaving and the two years was a chance to get things in place for that. The triggering was not a suggestion that the UK may or may not leave, depending on how it feels that week. It does make sense that it could be revoked with good will on both sides but to be able to do it unilaterally messes everyone else about. However, I am not a judge in the European Court so who knows how it will go down.
  14. Are we sure it was a Russian military ship and not a Russian tourist boat?
  15. Yes, the ”No deal is better than a bad deal” talk has dropped of the radar. It seems like the penny has dropped that ’No deal’ is a disaster. It also seems like this is the best deal the UK will get from the EU and it seems like it will be voted down. It’s hard to know how this will end but if no deal is off the table it will either be vote for minor variations on the current deal enough times until it passes or call the whole thing off and take stock.
  16. We played well but lack a centre forward, same old story. The goal against was a sucker punch and against the run of play. The substitutes looked good though.
  17. It seems the job of Brexit secretary in a May government appears to be preparing the country for ‘no deal’ whilst May herself tries to negotiate the deal. Hence Raab’s resignation.
  18. That’s all true but I was more looking at what May should have done once she became leader. My basic premise was that she should have gotten the UK’s own house in order before triggering article 50 and going to the EU with a united position to negotiate from.
  19. Interestingly enough this is roughly what the political commentary was making of things here in Australia today. Essentially that May had an up hill battle from the start, doing a thankless task with no obvious solutions and it is to her credit that she is trying to see it through rather than squealing and running away like a number of her ministers. Personally I think the uphill battle was of her own making because she triggered article 50 and gave herself a 2 year deadline before having any idea what the UK was aiming for. There should have been cross party consultation on what sort of Brexit deal the UK wanted (Norway, Switzerland, Canada etc) and then once some sort of majority was found (even with a follow up ‘People’s vote if required) she could have triggered the clock and used the 2 years to try and improve on that preferred outcome.
  20. Do we reckon Turkey still has information up their sleeves to be released in due course that ties this to the Prince?
  21. Well Trump is now claiming the reports are true but it's all ok because he knew about the new missile sites all along apparently. Nothing to see here...
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