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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. It's funny how he has an old tweet for everything.
  2. Trump (rightly IMO) gets a lot of blame with his supporters getting more and more vocal about spreading far right extremist views and I think Corbyn could do more to discourage anti Semitic views from his supporters.
  3. Being ‘built like a brick sh*thouse’ is an Australianism. It’s actually a complement meaning very strong.
  4. I think that is an important criteria for any new signing.
  5. Yeah I saw that too and was a bit worried but it seems he's had a tough time at Lille. This video of his time at Ajax shows why Lille paid 8m for him. He has the skills in his locker.
  6. That point was made by a lot of people before this whole negotiation started. The idea that ‘that need us more than we need them’ was always hubris.
  7. In the UK you currently elect EU mps to represent your interests in Europe yet don’t elect the members of the House of Lords. A lot of Brexiteers who campaigned for democracy reasons seem perfectly happy with that paradox.
  8. There are loads of positive reasons for being in the EU. It’s just that what someone like me sees as a positive (free movement of people and goods, regulations to curb the worst excesses of conservative governments etc) a lot of other people actually see as negatives
  9. Cohen pleads guilty to violating campaign law at the direction of an 'unnamed candidate'. I just wonder which candidate he is talking about His plea deal includes up to 5 years of jail time apparently. Doesn't sound like a great deal.
  10. I thought he had problems with his knees? He won't get another professional contract so he will want to get every penny he can before this one is up and his career is over, it's a long retirement.
  11. He has never been a center forward but we are asking him to play that way because it suits the system. His best time with us was playing on the left as an inside forward. Even during his best spells his goals came from moments if individual creativity, benefiting from the extra time and space you get playing out wide. He's not going to hold up the ball, he's not going to win aerial duels, he's not going to play in small strikers or attaching midfielders. In short we are not playing to his strengths, we are using him because we have no strikers that actually fit the system.
  12. Nice to feel genuine excitement about watching a new signing play. It has been a while, maybe not since Adama's promising early matches for me.
  13. To be fair we could still end up with 7 points after 7 games
  14. No rules changed from the day before to the day after the vote. The £ dropped in value because the future of UK economy became less certain with a ‘No’ vote but conversely that low pound actually increased the value of the stock market and British exports. The situation in March is quite different. That is when Brexit actually occurs. If there is somehow a Norway style ‘soft brexit’ deal agreed the pound will likely go back up again and things will carry on much as they were before the vote. However if the UK government cannot agree amongst themselves on a soft Brexit you will likely end up with the ‘No deal’ scenario with potential for total chaos. No modern first world economy has ever unilaterally torn up all its free trade agreements with every one of its trading partners before and tried to start from scratch at year zero again. The results could be quite dramatic to say the least.
  15. I don’t think we know anything right now. A ‘no deal’ Brexit and all bets are off.
  16. Why won't the English in Poland lose their right to work but the Polish in England will?
  17. Well it is kind of a relevant question because Brexit hasn't happened yet so any visa issues are not directly tied to the result of the referendum.
  18. Predictably Thatcher gets brought up a lot in response to Dems question but I don't think she fits the bill of what he was asking. She had policies most of us disagree with but she was not an incompetent politician, quite the opposite infact. The current lot from both sides of politics however...
  19. You need to be an ideologue rather than a pragmatist to continue to support the idea of Brexit in the face of all that has come to pass. There are plenty of ideologues out there however.
  20. I like the way he says it in a French accent to help the listener. Reminds me of Shteev McLaren's dutch accent
  21. I think i’d like to see Froome win number 5 (and the Giro / tour double) then hand the reigns over to the younger riders next year. On the assumption he is not on the gear* it would be a remarkable achievement for the record books. *we are not going to know but I tend to be of the mind that Sky are pushing the rules to the limit with all the legal supplements without actually undertaking a doping program. Their team budget goes the rest of the way to ensure their dominance.
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