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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. This Swiss guy restores decrepit old tools and kit back to their original sale condition. It is hypnotic watching a rusty seized up 1930’s bench vice restored to brand new condition. This old paraffin signal lamp was made in Birmingham, amazing seeing it restored.
  2. Liverpool are not as dislikeable as they used to be. I’m pretty ambivalent whether they win it or some other mega rich club wins it.
  3. But is there a video from a credible outlet?
  4. Two people arrested apparently
  5. Putin sighting international law in his opposition to occupation of foreign countries
  6. Nyland is a deer in the headlights. A commanding voice at the back will improve the whole defensive unit.
  7. Turkey hates the support the US troops have been giving the Kurds in north west Syria. They worry it will strengthen the Kurdish population just across the boarder inside Turkey. Trump announced this withdrawal after getting off the phone to Erdogan. Who knows what was said in that conversation.
  8. It’s the thin edge of the wedge mate. You ban bump stocks and semi automatic assault rifles could be next! A sad day for freedom.
  9. Ah yes, I remember the EU elections being mentioned as a hard deadline to have this all resolved.
  10. I might have miss read somewhere but I thought I saw an EU type saying the EU would do the UK a favour and extend A50 in the event of a GE to allow the UK some time to get their house in order before rejoining the negotiation table. Having said that, I couldn’t say if the offer still stands this late in the day or if the person I read about making the offer actually had the authority to do so.
  11. The loan spell Jack went on down at Notts County seemed to be great for his confidence. Getting settled game time can be very important for a young player. I can’t see that Chelsea would have any issue with the way the loan arrangement has gone so far.
  12. The EU have announced there will be a grace period for UK nationals living abroad to get their residency status sorted out. Have you looked at the requirements for a work visa in Poland?
  13. If you look at that graph everyone up to the Eastern European countries are looking at around 1% growth or less, so I say again, you are looking too narrowly if you think stagnant wage growth is “entirely down to UK government policy”. I’d hazard that western economies may not see rapid wage growth of previous eras again unless there is a technological revolution. The modern globalised economy is characterised by strong growth from developing economies whilst they catch up in living standards to stagnating developed economies.
  14. Stagnant wage growth has been a problem across the western world since the GFC. You are looking too narrowly if you think it is entirely down to UK Government policy.
  15. There are philosophical reasons but there aren’t any pragmatic reasons.
  16. Well the same logic could apply to her time as Home Secretary of course. Maybe I’m just cynical about whether modern politicians ever have their own convictions or whether they just try and tap populist opinions.
  17. I think I tend to agree with you here. All this talk about how she hates foreigners kind of misses the point that she is a politician trying to represent constituents who voted for Brexit. In her mind she will be fighting for the things they wanted out of the vote. We may never actually know what her personal views on the issue are. It’s funny because if you read the ‘below the line’ comments on a paper like the Daily Mail, they see her as a remainer whose heart is not in it, or even going so far as claiming she is sabotaging the process. Yet on here she is seen as relishing the process, eager to enact her dreams of kicking out foreigners.
  18. The website doesn’t work. Could be a prank?
  19. The UK has a problem in that there is no actual constitution and no mechanism for when a referendum is actually required other than being some politition’s brain fart. Most constitutional democracies have rules and procedures set down for this sort of thing.
  20. The 3 years he got isn't just about the payoff, Cohen had other issues relating to his taxes which would have extended his sentence. It's hard to say how much the overall sentence was reduced due to his cooperation with the Trump phone tapes. I think his office was raided for them so he might not have gotten much credit for handing them over himself.
  21. Well it’s more votes than she got when she first became PM I suppose
  22. There is no way to ‘take back control’ of your border if you don’t actually have one.
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