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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. You have to wonder though why Nike have done this. They must have known what kind of reaction they would get changing a countries flag, they are not completely tone deaf. Are they marketing on the idea that all publicity is good publicity? Was it a boozy long lunch dare between design executives? I can’t imagine this kit is going to be a big seller for them though.
  2. Because of Russia’s help given to Assad in Syria killed a lot of them and went a long way to destroying their caliphate.They have also been attacking Iran recently, a close Russian ally. The same branch of IS bombed St Petersburg a few years ago and Russia said they foiled an attack from them on a Moscow mosque a couple of weeks ago.
  3. Some grim footage online from the concert hall.
  4. The other reason is that NATO troops on the ground means NATO deaths on the ground. It’s not a popular political move to send your own people off to fight in a foreign war and watch as a proportion of them come back in body bags.
  5. Yes we could potentially sell a star player to fund the purchase but I can’t see us adding him to the current squad. I don’t think we would be looking as making such an expensive signing though even if we sell to buy. We’d sell a star to reinvest in a couple of positions and ease FFP.
  6. We’re not signing a player like that with our FFP troubles.
  7. I imagine the referee has difficulty hearing the VAR feed over the noise of the crowd so the VAR guys have to yell.
  8. He was asked a question about it and he answered that he didn’t think there was a need to change the flag. It seems the obvious answer really. He also said the price of the shirts was too high.
  9. Boeing’s issues go much further than a door falling off. This whole article is a pretty incredible summary of their problems over the last decade. https://www.skynews.com.au/business/boeings-shocking-personnel-scandals-drug-dealing-love-triangle-and-murdersuicide/news-story/93d41c9090cb5919ce7c5f8309d6bb8d?amp&nk=5f12f38ab1f8355b495f64ccb2afbb2d-1710934838
  10. We didn’t lose our coal mining industry in Australia but it has actually become a bit of a rod for our backs in the move to decarbonise the economy for the sake of climate change. The coal mining industry and its workers are a powerful voting block and lobby heavily to resist any moves towards the phasing out of coal power stations in favour of renewable energy sources. The Labour Party often try and ‘ride two horses’ by telling their inner city voters all about their great ideas for renewable energy, only to head off to the coal mining regions promising their industries will not be touched.
  11. He’s not talking about the guy’s appearance. He’s saying he has not done his research before asking that line of questioning.
  12. He just needs you to look him in the eye though-out.
  13. Our fans expectations would probably seem similar to fans of a club further down the food chain.
  14. They seem to be hiring some terrible engineers lately
  15. So essentially we are all in agreement, it’s just our choice of wording on how much we criticise our manager
  16. He did though. We started with too little experience and fortunately he realised his mistake and corrected it for the second half. In essence we gave Spurs too much respect starting 5 at the back at home, then gave West Ham too little respect starting Rogers and Duran away. Fortunately Emery realised his mistake in time today and we ended the weekend in a solid position.
  17. We’re just too short of experience and too many out of position.
  18. He knows what he’s doing.
  19. I have a scenario for you as well. The ‘Umbrella Movement’ kicked off in Hong Kong because the Chinese government decreed that whilst the Hong Kong people were allowed to vote for their leader they were only allowed to vote once the candidates were vetted and any that didn’t meet the criteria of the communist party were struck off the list. Potentially you also think the people of Hong Kong were wrong to protest against their preferred candidate being struck off for not meeting the requirements to stand?
  20. I think if they were popular enough and serious about it then it would be possible to make it happen so that the people get who they want to represent them, either by an amendment or some other interpretation.
  21. Ironic that our match tomorrow is in London then
  22. Playing 5 at the back at home to Spurs was a mistake. They can be gotten at if we were a bit braver.
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