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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. If someone gets stabbed in town how can you turn around and punish the local club that happens to be playing that day? The club can’t police a whole city.
  2. I don’t think many voters will switch from Trump to Biden but I think there will be a much lower turnout in this election. It would only take a handful of Biden supporters in a few key states to stay home and Trump could feasibly win those states back, giving him the presidency.
  3. Obviously, though if you don’t even have 1 it’s difficult to have a portfolio Here’s a quick search of second home ownership by age in the U.K. I can’t get the document to embed from my phone though https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5f044501e90e075c50609e43/2020_EHS_second_homes_factsheet.pdf
  4. I think we were making sweeping generalisations here weren’t we There is some data here from the US (though I imagine trends are similar) that says boomers buy properties earlier in their lives than the generations after them. Though now it seems Gen Z might be getting on the ladder earliest of all, with the article suggesting it is possibly with the help of the bank of (boomer) mum and dad. https://fortune.com/2024/01/17/redfin-baby-boomers-gen-z-housing-market-homeownership/amp/
  5. Lazio going out of the Champions League tonight is helpful for getting a 5th Champions League spot.
  6. Yes, the boomers, and maybe Gen Xs. Millennials are not building property portfolios.
  7. A lot of boomers haven’t retired yet, they are the CEOs and on boards of directors etc. You’re implying they are the wartime generation scraping around with a pension.
  8. 80 year olds aren’t boomers are they? 80 year olds were born during the war. The boomers are in their 60s and 70s.
  9. Supposedly the German leak came about from the German airforce discussing internally how they could sell to the German government idea of sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine. The sticking point is that you either need to spend months and months training Ukrainians on their use or you do what the U.K. has done and send your own specialists to run the targeting operation in the field. Neither of which is palatable for the Germans apparently.
  10. Torres also takes some of the responsibility for playmaker when he’s in the side, meaning teams can’t just shut us down by marking Luiz out of the game.
  11. This Arsenal game looks like being a cricket score.
  12. Unanimous decision signed by all nine on the Supreme Court.
  13. If they collapse and finish 5th they are even then still likely to get champions league via the extra spot so that might be why their odds of missing out all together are so high?
  14. Haaland from 6 yards out though
  15. They need good news right now. They have been moved off the front page.
  16. Yes, I don’t necessarily believe all these numbers. Russian bloggers have acknowledged some of them whilst disputing others, but something out of the ordinary has been going on recently.
  17. It might be coincidence but the run of downed planes did start with an A-50 (and they have subsequently lost a second, when they supposedly only had 3 operational). I don’t know the ins and outs but that loss of radar coverage could be giving Ukraine an advantage when targeting jets?
  18. His teammates were yelling at him and pointing him in different directions all through his time in the second half so it seems like he’s not up to speed on where he should be and what to do when out of possession. Presumably Emery thought it was a comfortable match to give him minutes in, which the first half was, but he’ll need more time on the training pitch before he can slot in in a match where we’re under pressure.
  19. He should have been booked for the cynical kick out on the foul before his booking. His performance was not on the ref. He just has some learning to do but looks like he has potential.
  20. It feels like he’s lost a yard of pace since returning from injury and that was his biggest asset.
  21. Enjoyed watching his celebration when Digne nodded his cross home.
  22. He was struggling to find his positioning and was being bypassed constantly so it was right to bring him off but was also unlucky to have a good shot saved, so there is definitely something to work with there. Needs more time on the training ground learning our system first though.
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