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Everything posted by Stephen_Evans

  1. When Gerrard appointed McGinn as captain, it somehow seemed the wrong fit. Now, under Emery, he seems the perfect fit.
  2. It’s these straight passes through the middle of the pitch that get me going. Just not something we’ve really seen done well at Villa in the past. There are passages of play where we are making the game look easy.
  3. Once again I couldn’t help noticing how much he celebrated when we scored.
  4. And David Platt managed something similar in 1989/90. I’m sure I remember Martin Tyler saying it was 8 games in a row at Villa Park when Platt scored on Boxing Day against Manchester United.
  5. The problem with the apparent endorsement of a shield is what do they mean by a shield? If it’s a shield like 1957, count me in. But it could be Lerner’s shield.
  6. It is possible that the two players sent home are those whose identities have been used by the third player investigated yesterday. Which would explain why the Italian FA refer to their state of mind and their own protection.
  7. Option C please. It has dignity and permanent class.
  8. I know this thread is about future brand identity but I’d like them to fix some past brand identity on the cover page for the Villa Vault section of the programme. It’s embarrassing that the people running a club publication do not know (a) which badges are genuine and (b) what order they should appear in. For example, there are three representations of the 80s roundel which are all incorrect, plus the 1990s badge sitting before those three roundels in the chronology. There is then an incorrect version of the 1990s badge and a random change of shade of blue from Lerner mark I to Lerner mark II. It’s obvious where these have come from. The editor should not believe everything on google. They have form though. For the feature on the 1971/72 season a couple of years ago they used an unofficial fan version of a badge which didn’t actually exist in 1972. I know I should get a life but these people are being paid to do a job. Sometimes small details highlight bigger problems. Attention to detail in club communications and publications is a must. The programme was one of the best in the business for about 30 years but is a shadow of that now.
  9. We’ve seen this before with good players struggling initially. Our fan base can be pretty unforgiving and it must get to a struggling player.
  10. “Up in arms”. I see what you did there.
  11. Seeing the Gregory article reminds me of the games against Basel. I have never managed to find any footage of that final anywhere, which is strange.
  12. It’s heartbreaking enough having my roundel taken off me, Brexit-reversal style, but now you show me something beautiful like this…I just know the final version will disappoint me now.
  13. But if you look closely, you can definitely see the words “Aston Villa”…
  14. My own reason for not wanting a gold/yellow lion is it makes a peripheral colour a main colour. Our main colours are (obviously!) claret and blue. If you have a gold lion on claret, you’re getting a bit West ‘am. And the less said about yellow/gold on blue the better.
  15. For my part, I have said the starting point should be a claret lion on a blue background. It seems the combination which has worked best visually.
  16. Not a question of nostalgic or modern so much as “permanent class”.
  17. I’d like to place it on record that I am opposed to using “1884”.
  18. A shield could mean anything. It could mean something classy like the 1957 shape or something turgid like the current shield.
  19. I still remember the first time I set eyes on that thing and just feeling stunned. And not in a good way.
  20. Did anyone take any screenshots of the questions? I’ve not received my email.
  21. But there were plenty of season ticket holder returns available when I checked. This initiative hasn’t stopped anyone going to the game today.
  22. My thought too. Isn’t his stake 6% or something? In company law terms, that’s not far short of powerless.
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