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Everything posted by Woody1000

  1. It doesn’t state there, but I’m assuming they confirmed that Castore will be the new kit manufacturer from 22/23?
  2. How are they ‘pally’ as you call it? Gerrard had left Liverpool the season before Gomez was signed. I can’t imagine that Gerrard would’ve had much to do with first team players when he was u-18’s manager, I’m sure their paths obviously crossed but to say they are in any way close is a massive stretch imo. Unless there is some other link that I’m missing?
  3. You wonder what his season would be like if he dinks the ball over Begović or slots it past him for the 3rd against Everton instead of smashing it and injuring himself?
  4. Was the plan all along just to spend our way back into Europe and we’ve gone for Gerrard as he is more of a ‘draw’ for players than Dean Smith is/was?
  5. Perhaps a haircut might help turn things around for him?
  6. I’m absolutely gutted about Leon Bailey. I can’t remember the last time I was as excited about a signing as I was when we signed him, I would’ve been happy with him alone as a JG replacement - that’s how highly I rated him, but with the injuries and the international breaks it has just not worked out for him at VP. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we can get a good preseason out of him and he’ll get himself in the fold, but I too can see him leaving in the summer.
  7. Why on earth would he do that? So let’s assume your ridiculous ‘scenario’ happens, he would make his position untenable. You don’t like Gerrard, we get it, you drone on and on about it on a daily basis, but you just make yourself look foolish with posts like this.
  8. It is becoming very difficult to watch us under Gerrard. I think we have some decent quality in possession with creative build-up and spells of probing with the ball. However, that all gets undone by some Sunday league standard defending. We are so damn pedestrian too many times. We are in need of a serious rebuild, and it’s getting harder and harder to argue that I completely trust the current regime to do it successfully.
  9. I’ve got to be honest Nick, I feel the same and I would say I’m more pro-Gerrard than a lot of posters on here. I’ve got no issue with him playing in the game itself, but I think he should be turning down doing videos like this. I feel like it undermines us as a club. Would Pep do a video like that if he was playing in a charity game for Barca? I appreciate he is a little older, but I feel the point stands and the answer would be no imo.
  10. I’m very surprised by that. I can understand wanting to bring some winners in but there are obvious dangers to just how high you bring the average age.
  11. The confusion Tom was about how that has any relevance to him being Aston Villa manager or the job that he is doing.
  12. What a load of nonsense.
  13. Random little bit of info, but we haven’t had a penalty in the league since AEG scored against Newcastle in the first home game of the season. Got to be due one soon?
  14. I think Gerrard is playing a clever game with this one, as I’m sure Carney’s side are as well. I don’t buy for one second that he’s any trouble, or he would not be making the match squads.
  15. For me it still hasn't quite sunk in that Philippe Coutinho actually plays for Aston Villa. It's not some sort of dream, it's a reality. He’s a genius, a magician, world class, whatever you want to call him. He's totally lighting up Villa Park right now, and I hope more than anything that we make the loan move permanent.
  16. Yeah I definitely got that vibe from the press conference.
  17. I don’t think there is any need for any point scoring over who has said what during our poor recent run, let’s just enjoy the fact we’ve won today and an away win at that.
  18. Woody1000

    Louie Barry

    Either that, or we take a model similar to what I hear they use at Liverpool now - we would pay the wages still, but our player plays every game when fit.
  19. I’ve got to be honest, I’m left more than a little baffled by our manager these last 2 games. I was willing to give his body language at Newcastle the benefit of the doubt, but after what he said in the post match interview I expected to see a number of changes, so to then only make one and even then shoehorn Watkins back onto the pitch on 58 minutes was puzzling. Yesterday was not as bad a performance as Newcastle, but I felt our substitutions were awful and just handed the initiative to Watford. What has happened to SG as a presence on the touchline? He looks like this job has aged him 5 years already. I respect him not throwing players under the bus in interviews, but I worry that he is going down the same route than Dean did of staying loyal to players who are just not repaying that loyalty in their performances. I don’t think we are in danger of being sucked into trouble, but I do worry that we are going to find ourselves behind an ever growing number of clubs in the pecking order for European football, and if the last 3 games are anything to go by then I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
  20. I’m genuinely not sure if this is down to toys still being thrown out the pram after yesterday’s game, but Liverpool pressed us to death at Anfield, it was in no way ‘negative’. Can you honestly not tell the difference between when a team is sitting back and when they are being pinned back? I apologise if that comes across in a disrespectful way, but I just feel you couldn’t be more wrong there.
  21. There is negative, and there is ineffective. I’m sorry, but you can’t accuse the manager of being negative. We haven’t once played a negative formation, or played defensive players out of position. The most defensive thing he has done is play Nakamba regularly when he was fit in midfield.
  22. I’ve got faith in him and his team. The good is still far outweighing the bad for me. We will see big changes this summer, I think we are going to see a fair few departures.
  23. We’re a mid table team. We play really well some weeks, ok others and pretty s*** on the rest. I really don’t know where this sense of entitlement has come from within ever growing sections of our support (a lot of them old enough to know better too!), but it has to stop. My wife is very good at being rational and calming me down after games like yesterday, a simple “Would you rather still be in the Championship?” usually does the trick. We just have to be patient, we are moving in the right direction as a club and as a team, but there are going to be bumps in the road. It is very rare to have just straight improvement without any setbacks. The lineup on Saturday against Watford will be interesting, I think we will see exactly who Gerrard has lost patience with.
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