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Everything posted by Woody1000

  1. So genuine question for those on here who are not in support let’s say of SG, would wins x 2 against Burnley, a win against Palace and narrow defeats to Liverpool and City have you a bit more on board for next season? If not, what will it take?
  2. I think the last time we did was back in the Diadora days? Edit: It was our last home game of the 2002/03 season, a 1-0 win against Sunderland.
  3. This. I’ve heard a lot of stuff since he left which has just completely soured the way I look at him, I never want him back at our club in any capacity. Ever.
  4. https://shop.regionalnewspapers.co.uk/aston-villa-40th-anniversary-european-cup-1840-p.asp?fbclid=IwAR0WUXZr8UFemBtdWQ0yJtI-kKBxxb1LI7vHkxdcc79lmiqMPliEE1XB1Bg The Birmingham Mail have released a commemorative 64 page edition for the 40th anniversary of our greatest day. Just for anyone who isn’t living in the local area but would still like one.
  5. We all understand (or at least we should) why he made the move, but why can’t I enjoy it when he loses?
  6. It’s a shame that people like yourself and a couple of others can’t have the same level of support for people at our club, that they do for people that have left.
  7. It is a big chunk. Shame they can’t do it over a longer period, even if they started the payments 2 months earlier to do it over 10 months? I genuinely feel sorry for you mate!
  8. Completely agree mate. You look after the pensioners as a thank you for years of support, and you build the next generation of full price season ticket holders by looking after the kids today. This is a bitter pill for a lot to swallow I imagine, this isn’t going to help with the certain amount of disconnection that we have had over the last 12 months which is really sad.
  9. Sorry to see that mate, I am in support of there being increases but that’s just too massive a jump. Are you going to still have season tickets?
  10. How has that happened? That’s nearly double!
  11. I appreciate that there are always winners and losers in these sorts of pricing changes but just under a third is a wallop of an increase. Sorry for your mum who I’m sure is probably being priced out. I have to be honest, I am in support of there being increased prices as we cannot continue to be one of the cheapest in the league with our ambition, but the increases should be capped at 25% max with perhaps a 20% max for pensioners/kids?
  12. I was more just making the point as to the angle of the story being that poor Carney isn’t getting the game time he wants so he’s off, when the truth is more that he isn’t getting games due to not signing a contract.
  13. It’s definitely changed hasn’t it? From January definitely he looked to be edging towards getting a start but didn’t help going out of the FA Cup in the 3rd round.
  14. Did anyone else read that like he’s looking to leave because of not getting the game time? I’d love to see him get more minutes but if he’s making it clear that he doesn’t want to sign on, then I don’t see why we would give him time on the pitch only for another club to benefit.
  15. Haters will hate, bed wetters will wet beds.
  16. Is there a possibility that Leon himself said he wanted to continue after the challenge? That he’s mindful of losing his place in the side due to yet another injury? Your vendetta against Steven Gerrard is clutching on this one!
  17. I would like to see Buendia starting more, but it feels like the usual suspects are getting over the top about it because they are clutching for something to be mad at the manager about.
  18. So OBE has basically said that he was told by someone obviously connected with the club that Purslow isn’t involved in that stage, but you’ve decided that it’s not the case?
  19. I think that’s all fair. I think that unless we suffer a massive collapse in our remaining games this season, NSWE/CP will give him 10-12 games next season, but if it’s not massively improved then he will find himself under intense pressure imo to keep his job.
  20. I know it would never happen, but you wonder if you played that front four with Chambers and Nakamba as a double pivot whether it would work? Either way I would like to see Emi featuring in the side, he’s looked good every time he’s come on since losing his place.
  21. Funny how nobody came into this thread to comment after the weekend. I thought he played well, not outstanding but well. He’s a solid pro. Certainly didn’t put in the sort of performance that everyone was crying about the Matt Targett thread…
  22. Stopped the rot today, wasn’t easy on the eye but got a decent enough point. I wish he would make substitutions earlier though, I’m starting to find myself shouting that at the tv/iPad a lot more often these days! Other than that, hate all the negativity surrounding him all the time. It’s just sucking all the fun out of following the club right now.
  23. Not that I am saying that we have got the managerial appointment wrong as I don’t believe we have, but surely the only way that Purslow would be in trouble over this would be by giving Gerrard too much time as apposed to not enough? I don’t buy this narrative that CP is going to let him have as much time as he wants through fear that his job is on the line if Gerrard fails. I think unless we only pick up 5 points or under from our remaining fixtures (or similar scenarios that resulted in a poor bottom half finish), then SG will get a preseason and I think he’ll get at least 3 months or so of the new season (possibly up to the break for the WC even?), but I have no doubts that if we find ourselves in a similar position to what we found ourselves in this season, then Purslow will sack him regardless of whether he is his ‘mate’ or not.
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