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Everything posted by Woody1000

  1. Why do you keep harping on about the 3 weeks in January, it’s not the same thing and you know it! To do a 4-5 week preseason off the back of a decent holiday and a rest is a completely different proposition to having 3 weeks in January, midseason.
  2. I just feel that whether you are pro-Gerrard or anti-Gerrard, that 5th is simply an unreasonable expectation. I think 7th is our absolute ceiling right now, if we can be the ‘best of the rest’ then I think everyone from NSWE down would be delighted. 7th and a cup win and I would be over the moon!
  3. 11th in itself would feel pretty underwhelming, but an 11th place like the other year with a high points total would be acceptable I suppose. Obviously a cup win would be fantastic, and would get us into Europe which is the goal. I agree, 15th would be shocking and I believe he would be gone next summer if that was the case, sooner if we were in any sort of relegation scrap imo.
  4. That will teach you for trying to spark a conversation Nick!
  5. Sometimes in football as much as we want there to be, there isn’t a party to really blame and I believe that is the case here. The club have offered him a contract, the player doesn’t want to commit, the club are now acting in the appropriate way that they should in this scenario. There isn’t a villain of the piece (no pun intended), for all the talk of the player having an inflated ego, that is merely speculating.
  6. That’s a shame mate, I have to be honest and say that it looks really nice, but obviously guys like yourself have a far superior knowledge on these things than us peasants!
  7. Have you managed to get your hands on one yet @NurembergVillan?
  8. Hopefully he can stay fit, and show the form which made him one of the most exciting players in the Bundesliga not so long ago.
  9. The club always look after the huskier gentlemen come the end of the season!
  10. This every day of the week, and twice on Sunday!
  11. Yeah but he doesn’t have the footballing ability of the likes of Ederson or Allison so some fans think we should look at replacing him. If only those keepers I’ve mentioned could make the kind of saves that Emi does, surely that is the most important attribute for a goalkeeper, especially for where we are in the league currently?
  12. I’m not going to knock the Turkish league, they seem the only ones interested in our outcasts!
  13. Will be very surprised if he has not got a permanent move by the time the window closes, probably back to France. I see similarities to the Targett situation in that while he impressed on loan, the guy who plays in his position is just better.
  14. So you’re saying with inflation it will be even more right?
  15. I mean as a bonafide starter, one of the first names on the teamsheet. Should’ve been a bit more specific
  16. Got a feeling that this is going to be a big season for JJ. His first season as a starter in our team, I can see him hitting double figures.
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