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Everything posted by DJ_Villain

  1. We probably wasn’t expecting to come on so soon… I haven’t seen an interview from him, how is his English?
  2. He is a proper whippet! Shocked at how fast he still is!
  3. Was it Nilis’s debut when he scored that beauty against Chelsea?
  4. How thick must mateys glasses be?! Ill bet he could see activity on the surface of the moon with them!’
  5. And if someone else had, I wouldn’t have had such a problem with Man City… but because it was always them, every time? I have a scapegoat to blame for taking all of our captains and facilitating our relegation and the worst period in our recent history…
  6. Of course I wouldn’t… I’m a Villa fan… Why would I have a problem when we are the beneficiaries?
  7. Do I? I thought i come across more like a pissed off football fan who is sick and tired of the same flat track bullies taking out best players every 4 or so years
  8. How is it not on City?? City actually DID sign Barry… and that opened the floodgates to our downfall… Next was Milner just as we were holding our own… then Delph… and the summer after Delph left, we got relegated… Like I said… it’s all their fault… Their owners, their players, their fans and anyone who has ever even remotely liked them are vermin… I’d rather my kids grew up to be Small Heath fans than one of those blue Manc cockroaches
  9. Every time one of our captains broke into the England squad… City signed them… Until we got relegated… and then when we got promoted again…
  10. Not when they are the same team that essentially signed your own club into relegation over a period of 10 years… **** em… If someone tells me they are a Man City fan, I tend to not acknowledge them as even being human anymore…
  11. **** ‘em… Not a fanbase in the world that deserves misery more than them… Every single one of them…
  12. Everything is on City… Our relegation, our losing our place in Europe, pretty much every captain or player we have had that has broken into the England squad… Its all their fault…
  13. The only thing I remember about Wagners Huddersfield is that prick taking his foot off the pedal against Birmingham City and resting his squad for the playoffs… City went on to win and survive relegation when they should have circled the drain into oblivion… I don’t care if it was in the best interests of the fans of Huddersfield… Who cares about Huddersfield anyway… I don’t think it’s a real place…
  14. Bit hard for me to say mate. I’m 5’6… Me saying that someone else needs to bulk up and hit the gym would be somewhat hypocritical
  15. Met him at Chievely services the other week as I was driving back home from Swindon. He was with the MK Dons squad on their way to Bristol. Seems a nice lad, wished him well…
  16. Of course they do… because they chose to support teams that win all the time so they can gloat at other peoples expense… then, when the inevitable fall from grace happens, they hit a bump in the road and their entitled success dries up, whatever competitions they used to clear up and win at a canter are suddenly “devalued”
  17. Andy Goldstein on TalkSport said the other day that competitions like the World Cup and Premier League are “devalued” when teams like Morocco and Leicester do well and upset the applecart at the expense of the teams that apparently have the divine right to all of the glory… Then again, he’s a prick who supports United, so there you go…
  18. The best in the World, The best in the WORLD!; Emi Martinez, The best in the World!
  19. Of course they don’t! All those players that were playing regularly but only for Aston Villa, Leicester and Leeds got an additional agent to flog them to sit on the benches at Sky 6 clubs for more money and less playing time but also a guaranteed spot in the squad…
  20. Who gives a monkeys? It isn’t our club that misses out… It isn’t our club that has to pick up the tab… What does it matter?
  21. Why? because I don’t have my tongue firmly inserted into the arses of Man City, Liverpool and Spurs players just because they wear a shirt that is in some way, shape or form supposed to represent me?
  22. Good… Im glad England are out… Theres nothing in that England side I remotely like, support or have any endearment to… Its a bunch of “Sky 6” arseholes picked by the FA with Gonzo the Yes Man acting like he is in charge… If England win a World Cup, there better be a Villa player in the squad for me to support! Thats why I’ve been wanting Argentina, Poland and Belgium to do well… Villa Park deserves to have a World Cup winner come back… Aston Villa deserves to have a current player immortalised as a World Cup winner for the rest of history… Ive said it before, and I’ll say it again, I’m not a football fan, I’m a Villa fan… The only shame about that England squad that got knocked out last night is that more of them didn’t come back injured to give us an advantage when the season restarts…
  23. England would still be in the World Cup if Tyrone was playing… That first French goal would have never gone in as Tyrone would have blocked it… Tyrone would have scored that header that Maguire missed… Tyrone would have stopped the second goal going in as well…
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