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Everything posted by S-Platt

  1. I have faith in Cutlers opinion so if he thinks this lad is good enough and can make him better that is good enough for me.
  2. In theory yes but there is always the underdog to cheer against the established teams so I am happy enough. It might stop players declaring for other nations Grealish and Rice for instance if they can play on the same stage. Germany converted Polish and Turks too. Gives those players at smaller clubs the chance to shine and be snapped up. I remember 8 team Euros and England were always shite! Wins breed confidence look at Wales in 2012. 32 European nations battling it out would be a higher quality than the World Cup. Just my opinion.
  3. 32 to 16 works though no extra games from 24 to 16 and Scotland Wales N Ireland and Eire have a better chance of qualifying. More TV games so better for us I am happy with that.
  4. Surely it's The Ricoh for them the Landlords become the tenants.
  5. It was Watkins and Ings shutting down the same man. Ings should have been on Fred to stop the cross or at least make it difficult.
  6. Will score a goal like Diego one day taking 3 or 4 on its coming.
  7. All fart and no shit. 13 goals all season I think I prefer our way thanks.
  8. Yeah I think nobody cares as people want excitement not a cake walk!? Not good for the league if they piss it every year and then spunk another 100 million on a player they don't need!
  9. That is why football is great as we all have different opinions. Personally I think Sterling is a tap in merchant and a headless chicken. Has been taught to be in the right position to finish off moves I will grant him that.
  10. He is miles better than Sterling who just runs into people. Pep needs to allow Jack the same licence but it seems that is not the case yet.
  11. I was watching via Sky Q in UHD and the grass kept changing colour which was weird now just using the built in TV app and its much better. Maybe Sky are trying to put people off streaming!
  12. Here is an idea why not increase squad size whilst Covid is around to 30 from 25 that way you have more players to choose from when some are self isolating. The 5 sub thing is not going to help and less games is not happening so I think a compromise is the way forward. Would make teams think harder about loaning out players.
  13. You mean like the final game of last season!? Merry Christmas fellow Villans!
  14. Every dog has its day apart from the countless stray ones that are caught and put down. I know which dog they are and they had that day when Arsenal capitulated! Don't see it getting better anytime in the next millennium.
  15. Isolation down to 7 days if you can get a negative lateral flow on day 6 and 7 so that could bring a few players back into the squad.
  16. Young guys don't have a fear of the virus it seems. Upto to the government to shut down bars and clubs. Until this happens there will be 1000s out and living life as normal. There has to be a line drawn in the sand at some point although that line keeps changing. I have sympathy with the youth of today must suck. Get your jabs and you will be fine now its a 3rd jab! This time of year especially people want to go out and enjoy themselves.
  17. Going out after a game is hardly a crime! A night before is a different kettle of fish.
  18. Classic Football Shirts buy old jerseys. Not sure how much you would get though.
  19. We have this every Monday with Dermot I agree with every decision the Ref/VAR makes Gallager! The man is an Amoeba has no backbone!
  20. I went to a few games there in my younger days! Salas debut for Lazio in 98 in a cup match was my first. Then Roma v Inter a few years later last game of the season. Then the big one Lazio v Roma it was like Cape Canaveral before kick off with all the fireworks and so on. I was dodging bottles and everything as was next to the Roma fans in the Lazio end. Great City. Great food. Highly recommended! Tickets were quite easy to get in those days.
  21. Neville claiming that was a great cross from TAA come on son that was a shot!
  22. Watching his brother at the Scottish League Cup Final so at least we know he is covid free at the moment!
  23. I think this is the crux of the issue. I got it and was double vaccinated. I felt fine just lost taste and smell for a few days. In any other time I would have carried on as normal but rules are rules and you have to spend 10 days in isolation. I would have gone to work, played 5 a side and carried on like normal if i had the choice. I think most footballers would too. Just they are not allowed. We do not know how bad the players are and without the jabs they maybe worse who knows but no one is to blame. There will come a time when the Government will just lift the isolation rules and it will be upto individuals. Get vaccinated feel like a cold or run the risk of feeling worse I think it will be that simple. Life goes on. I will add my Dad before vaccinations got Covid and was hospitalised for 3 weeks in a coma and so on. Fine now but I believe that is the difference between taking the jabs and not in some people.
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