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Everything posted by dAVe80

  1. Seen them live about 5 or 6 times. Remember seeing BRMC for the first time at a Leeds festival, when they played one of the tents, and being blown away. Really dark, moody and brooding, balls out rock & roll.
  2. I'm tempted to say yes, but no. I do **** love them though, and I'm not that really into Metal (in the conventional sense anyway). They are the probably one of the most influential bands of all time though. Ask any band who play heavy / loud rock music, and they'll tell you Sabbath are an influence.
  3. I remember a game against Arsenal, when Little was our manager. We were 2-0 up, when Paul Merson took the game by the scruff of the neck, and inspired Arsenal to pull the game back to 2-2. He was absolutely brilliant that day.
  4. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on a copy of the Desmond Dekker & The Aces - 007 (Alternate Version) 7":
  5. Never actually heard anything by him or Whiskeytown. I have, however, been reading a lot about his antics over the years. He strikes me as being one of the worst divas in the world of people that actually play instruments... I've always wondered if he really did kick someone out his gig for shouting for Summer of 69, or if it's just an urban myth?
  6. I remember being incredibly pissed off about something a few years back. Can't remember exactly what, but probably a girl, work, or Villa, and decided to go to the pub. It was during the day, and there was hardly anyone in there. The jukebox was playing The Red Beatles album, and within about an 15 mins, I was halfway down my pint and smiling again. A combination of Guinness and Lennon & McCartney is now my sure fire way to pull me round, if I get into a bit of a radge.
  7. Saw My Bloody Valentine in Manchester last night. They were excellent, but not as loud and full on as I'd have hoped (The Holocaust Section of You Made Me Realise aside). Quite disappointed with the crowd, as the atmosphere was a bit flat. Got to say Bilinda Butcher is still looking fine at the age of 51 as well!
  8. Just to say Tony Gayle is a fooking mong. That is all.
  9. Oops, Posted in error. Mods please remove?
  10. Kenny Ball has gone to join the great Jazz band in the sky. RIP.
  11. Had one of the plastic manure fans at work in near tears today. Took a proper hissy fit, lost it, and started ranting at me about Villa getting relegated, and going out of business. My job here is done.
  12. dAVe80

    General Chat

    Kayfabe dead ? or Dead dead ? Wrestlemania coming up soon is it? I expect he'll pop up at some point and help / hinder Undertaker winning his match.
  13. dAVe80

    General Chat

    RIP. Not all bad though. At least he'll get a free funeral off The Undertaker.
  14. dAVe80

    The VT Cabinet

    Lord Mayor of Birmingham - TRS-T.
  15. A very good mate of mine has got a massive thing about the Hookworms. He absolutely hates them. I think it's down to the fact his band have played a few gigs with them in Leeds, and they sound quite similar to his band. I've seen them live a few times, and I quite like them (not that I'll tell my mate that). The lead singer shouldn't wear skinny jeans mind.
  16. First listen in the car tonight, and I've got to say I loved it. Saying that, Nick Cave could fart into a microphone, and I'd lap it up! Really is a good listen though.
  17. I've got this funny feeling about this game. Possibly just wind though, so wouldn't be suprised if I just shit my self at kick off.
  18. I think it was well established that Teal and McGrath were just about the hardest centre back pairing of their day.
  19. Let me once again state that I think Bale is probably the best player in the league at the moment, however I need to point out that his current purple patch has in the main, come against mid to lower league Prem teams and in the Europa League. In the last 10 games or so, Spurs have played, they've only really played Man Ure, who you'd class as a good side. The rest of the games have come against the likes of West Ham, Lyon, Newcastle, Albion, Leeds, Coventry, Reading, Sunderland, Villa and Stoke. A little bit early to be describing him as a world great in my opinion.
  20. No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying if you score a goal and your team wins or goes on to get something out of the game / tie, that's what counts.
  21. I'm mistaken regarding Inter and the WHL game, apologies. As for Bale scoring against Arsenal. Top class player score goals that win games.
  22. Medals don't prove that you're a better player. Just proves that your team is better. Tell me what massive games Bale has influenced? Tell me about the times he's been the best player on the park against Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool (or who ever has been challenging for the Premier League Title at the time)? Tell me about all the FA Cup & Champions League Semi Finals and Finals that he's played in and scored in? Tell me about all the how consistent he's been for 20 + years, in one of the most competitive leagues in the world? Tell me about how he's been churning out massive performances, at the top level since the age of 17? Tell me how he's won 8 trophies by the time he's 24? Bale may be the best player in the Premiership at the moment, but he can still only dream of being at Gigg's level. Tell me what massive games has Giggs influenced? Tell me about the time he scored a hat-trick in the San Siro. Tell about the time he destroyed the world's number 1 right back. Tell me about the time he single handedly won a World Cup qualifier for Wales. Bale has already done more in a Wales shirt than Giggs has ever done. Was Ryan Giggs ever linked to Real Madrid? He was linked to Inter Milan, who were on par with the current Madrid side at the time. He didn't need to move to them though, as he was already playing for one of the biggest clubs in the world. Off the top of my head, he'd played in 4 Champions League Final, two of which he won. He scored arguably the best FA Cup goal of all time, in a semi against a very strong Arsenal side (which won the game). He scored in the semi of the Champions League against Juventus. The facts remain that Giggs achievements dwarf everyone else in the Premier League era. Until you can tell me Bale has done the same, then this is a ridiculous argument. So Giggs is better than Ronaldo? Yes. He's the greatest player in Premier League history. Ryan Giggs is not fit to lace Thierry Henry's boots. Thierry Henry was an amazing player, undoubtedly, but you're being ridiculous, and going further off topic.
  23. Getting back on topic, he's the best player in the league a the moment. Him or RVP anyway. He will probably go on to be one of the all time greats. He's not there yet though.
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